“Suffer little children”, says Jesus. And while that is certainly not what he intended (and I’ve lost count of the number of times the words have been quoted out of context), countless children have indeed suffered as a result of the Catholic Church’s ridiculous rule of priestly celibacy. We all […]
Editor’s Comment
If someone had told me 10 years ago that Donald Trump would be president of the USA and Larry Flynt would offer a $10 million bounty for “dirt” that would lead to his impeachment, I’d have told that person to lay off the hallucinogenic substances. …yet here we are. What […]
Remember the Ozone Hole? Used to be the hot environmental topic before Al Gore and the Church Of Global Warming. In fact it’s been so long since I heard anything about the Ozone Layer that I did a double-take when I saw this item. Being an unrepentant tin-hatter I have […]
“For properties in the flat land residential red zone areas, being zoned red means that the land has been so badly damaged by the earthquakes it is unlikely that it can be rebuilt on for a prolonged period.” Red Zone information | Cera [production] https://cera.govt.nz/land-information/red-zone https://www.linz.govt.nz/crown-property/types-crown-property/christchurch-residential-red-zone/residential-red-zone-areas Got that guys? Here’s […]
Ever wanted to quickly identify the source of an article or image? Or determine if an image has been photoshopped, faked, or re-used for purposes of misinformation? Google’s ‘Search by Image’ utility makes this task incredibly simple! Here’s how… STEP 1) SEARCH FOR IMAGES: Type in your chosen subject […]
by Martin Harris New Zealand readers can’t help but have seen and heard the MSM reporting on the Marsden Refinery pipeline leak that has brought Auckland to it’s knees. “Thousands of flights cancelled” as jet fuel supply runs dry. “it could take up to 2 weeks to fix”, which means […]
THE TIMES Reports: US Navy Seals training Kim ‘assassination’ squad “South Korean commandos will work with the US Navy Seals who killed Osama bin Laden to create a special unit to assassinate Kim Jong-un in the event of war. The announcement coincides with a decision by the US to waive […]
Take this blog any way you like. Humour, speculation, entertaining or just nonsense. Or maybe, just maybe, there’s something to all this……? Donald Trump: Just mention the name and you’re sure to get a strong reaction. Love him, hate him, can’t make head nor tail of him? One thing is […]
The MSM is reporting these two earthquakes as “artificial” and as the result of nuclear testinThe US Geological Survey said it had recorded a 6.3 magnitude earthquake at noon Sunday local time, near North Korea’s known nuclear test site in the country’s northeast region. The quake was felt in northern […]
Backing up what the Alternative Archaeology crowd have been saying for years, it seems humans have been around for many millions of years. The standard model of human evolution seems to be unravelling and it all seems to be realigning to the alternative theories that were being rubbished not so […]