The movie, Green Zone, covers our attack on Iraq with considerable accuracy. The film clearly outlines how, in order to justify an illegal invasion, an American government created “false flag” intelligence. Despite any crimes Saddam may have committed, currently America has caused more civilian deaths in Iraq than Saddam […]
[ h / t : Nat ] Using archived stock footage, I tried to paint a picture of the tranquility of everyday life being interrupted by chaotic events such as war. [ yeah -that- chaotic event ] Majority of the war stock footage is from Iwo Jima documentation and the […]
AIPAC : We’ll Take Over the UC Berkeley Student Government by Cecilie Surasky Why bother with moral persuasion when you can just threaten to take over government . . . everywhere? On March 18, UC Berkeley’s student senate voted 16 to 4 in favor of divesting from companies that profit […]
The Vatican is the world religion, London is the financial arm, and the US Military is the debt collector for now … … and the American people are slaves to the Crown since 1776. Major General Smedley Butler USMC, 2x medal of honor winner (actually 3 but he turned one […]
[ If you’d like to know what is going on in this part of the world – from the eyes of multiple on-the-spot handycams ( rather than just having your understanding of what is going on in this part of the world – filtered and fed to you ) then […]
Thousands of homeless people are being forced off the streets of South Africa to hide the scale of poverty there from World Cup fans. [ … those precious precious dollar bringing European based World Cup fans … ] More than 800 tramps, beggars and street children have already been removed […]
The health care “reform” bill isn’t anything that deserves the name reform. The very word “reform” at least tacitly implies amelioration of social ills. For those who haven’t seen it, the fact sheet from Fire Dog Lake–a “progressive,” pro-Democratic Party blog – explains a lot about what is wrong with […]
[ This guy isn’t me. ( I found him when I was googleing myself ) If you are thinking of joining the army anytime soon (either due to a perceived lack of options, or otherwise) – or if you are ‘thinking’ of hiring your own bad carcass to a company […]
[ oh, thank god ] For the first time ever, Canadians are spending more time surfing the web than they are watching television, a new poll shows. Read the rest here