Article About Data Mining Here [youtube]B37wW9CGWyY[/youtube]
[This is what the New Zealand parliament looked like before it became a fatter and rounder shape. ] Dear Nick, I write with reference to the enclosed article you [ this one ] wrote in 2005 in which you outlined the fatal flaws of New Zealand adopting an Emissions Trading […]
Millions of people from countries across the world have begun to wake up to the very real threat of repressive and engineered Globalism, or what the financial elite and the politicians who work for them often refer to as “The New World Order”. The movement against this centralization of economic […]
Protesters angry at Ireland’s multi-billion efforts to bail out its banks have tried to storm the entrance of the Irish parliament and several have been injured in scuffles with police. Read the rest here
Elite dominant social themes – promotions – can only function when people don’t understand that they are being promoted. People generally don’t like being manipulated. [ No shit. ] Once they’ve figured it out, the game is up. These fear-based promotions that the elite uses to gather further control and […]
When you ask people to revisit the events of 9/11 and reconsider what really happened, you enter the twilight zone of public mythology where people don’t want to rethink unhappy events and where you challenge their personal egos. Did you know that for the same reason that 2/3 of the […]
[ Just another in a long line of reminders that we need new sources of energy. Even -less profitable- ones. ] Still reeling from the effects of Hurricane Katrina after all these years, many who depend on the Gulf of Mexico for their livelihood fear that the massive oil spill […]
Oil companies are criminal enterprises supported by government thugs. Not hyperbole. Video: We hear about a looming energy shortage and we see high fuels prices. The media talks endlessly about global warming, but when do we hear about what goes on “behind the scenes” of oil and gas extraction […]
[ The Best Damned Song The Damned Ever Did set to the musically-driven ultra-violence of the best 80’s Cop-Opera ever, Miami Vice … ]