Rains have lasted over 30 days and are continuing. And many other disasters are hitting at once including tornadoes, hailstorms, torrents, mudslides, and earthquakes — in addition to a possible new virus outbreak from the swine flu, and also expected locusts. In Chongqing, videos show large-scale mudslides rushing towards highways, […]

Opposition to 5G is worldwide. Many in Australia have been protesting deployment and continue to do so. One municipal council has agreed to conduct a safety investigation because of this. JUNE 26, 2020 By B.N. Frank Cities AND countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit 5G installation as well as […]

“We are all children of the universe…” From Jeff Wefferson “We are all children of the universe. Billions of years before we were born, the furnace of the stars made, in prolific abundance, the basic chemicals which are needed for all of life, and the supernovas gave up  their lives […]
