“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” “The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.” “Those who contemplate the […]
“We are all children of the universe…” From Jeff Wefferson “We are all children of the universe. Billions of years before we were born, the furnace of the stars made, in prolific abundance, the basic chemicals which are needed for all of life, and the supernovas gave up their lives […]
Plague, locusts, floods and war…Is the Chinapocalypse here? by Martin Harris 20/6/2020 In defiance of the edict “don’t feed the trolls”, this author takes delight in doing just that. I feed them with calm, logical argument. While they’re engaging me they’re leaving someone else alone, and it’s a great way […]
…And DMT is a byproduct? Just add edible nuclear mushrooms! Just Have a Think Nature always finds a way..so they say! But it looks like it may actually be true in the case of our global plastic waste dilemma. Genetic mutations have been discovered in specific natural bacteria that enable them […]
Logic and facts prove beyond a shadow of doubt that this over-popularized theory of man-made climate change is false. So why is The Vatican insisting otherwise? By Peter A. Kirby JUNE 7, 2020 Today we see Pope Francis urgently and repeatedly warning us of the extreme dangers of climate change resulting […]
With so many dramatic and consuming events taking place in our world, it’s easy to forget that as human beings we are deeply affected by all of the cosmic events taking place in the universe around us. We are beings of frequency in a universe made of energy. Dylan CharlesWaking TimesSat, 30 […]
One minute you’re going about your business, the next the Earth falls apart beneath your feet. by Martin Harris 5/4/20 Any other time this would have been high on the TV news, but not only was it eclipsed (obviously enough) by the George Floyd protests and the COVID 19 situation […]
Under the radar while we’re all COVID-ised all sorts are going on. 1080 drops are going down like a carpet-bombing campaign. Solutions? See my comments below the article MH JACINDA’S MAGIC MONEY TREE – LIST OF 1080 OPERATIONS BELOW By Carol Sawyer via EWR Never have I seen so many […]
The evidence is stacking against the so-called “green” EV technology alternative. We’ve done several articles on the pros and cons of lithium-ion, hydrogen cell and old-school internal combustion power before (links below). No one is claiming internal combustion is clean by any stretch, but the myth that EVs are a […]
This is seriously, deeply screwed up on so many levels. Honestly, words fail me. What next? Hordes of schoolkids wagging off school to protest against COVID ? Haven’t they spent enough time off school already?