Despite alarmist claims of “catastrophic global warming”, there is no empirical evidence to confirm that or any acceleration in global sea level rise. Notwithstanding this lack of evidence many people, often those with vested interests, still cling to the alarmist beliefs that catastrophic sea level rise is imminent. Dr. John […]

Weather modification, Water Rights, China and the 2030 Agenda…Another outstanding bit of researching and dot-joining from Ben Vidgen at Ben’s World. I urge readers to visit his blog site and view the full article! reblogged from Ben’s World The Herald, as a part of the standard corporate media trend (where […]

One of the last true environmentalists who had his career destroyed for telling the truth. David Icke discusses his life and meaning and his polar opposite, Greta “Time Person Of The Year” Thunberg. Sign up to the brand new Ickonic Media Platform – World Tour Tickets –… All […]
