Superb blog! My respect to author Paul Dunbar for this outstanding piece: Written by Paul Dunbar December 21, 2019 Whirl up, sea — whirl your pointed pines, splash your great pines on our rocks, hurl your green over us, cover us with your pools of fir. (Oread, by H. D.) Carbon […]
Despite alarmist claims of “catastrophic global warming”, there is no empirical evidence to confirm that or any acceleration in global sea level rise. Notwithstanding this lack of evidence many people, often those with vested interests, still cling to the alarmist beliefs that catastrophic sea level rise is imminent. Dr. John […]
While the Mainstream Media bleats about Climate Change and interviews clueless Extinction Rebellion protestors, here’s what’s really causing Aussie’s drought! Bush fires are a normal part of the natural cycle, but when the ground is this dry, things quickly get out of hand. PAY ATTENTION NEW ZEALAND: We could be […]
“catching them lying through their teeth” by David Middleton Unprecedented and Worrying Rise in Sea Levels Poses Serious Threat to Coastal Cities TOPICS: Climate Change, Environment, Oceanography, Simon Fraser University By SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY JANUARY 1, 2020 A new study led by Simon Fraser University’s Dean of Science, Prof. Paul […]
As far away as here in Christchurch on this New Year’s day 2020, the sky is murky, the sun is a dull red blob, and there is the stench of woodsmoke in the air as Australia has yet another day of mega bush fires. MH Here’s Max Igan (always a […]
“We are Extinction Rebellion, and we are rising up because we believe we should stop global warming, because it’s caused by humankind, because of CO2, which is… something in the air, and it’s bad, and it’s increasing, and don’t get us started about carbon dioxide” Amari RoosSott.netMon, 30 Dec 2019 […]
This sounds suspiciously like ionospheric heating at work! Both Russia and China were recently bragging about constructing apparatus to steal the title from Alaska’s HAARP : Could this “new type of aurora” be the first tests? MH Unique interaction in Earth’s magnetosphere causes new type of auroras Sputnik NewsThu, 26 […]
The most in-depth expose of the Greta Thunberg controversy I have ever read! What follows is the dry text from The full text with links and images can be viewed at the source link. Credit goes to author Sven Svenson MH Scrolling through the news headlines.., I noticed this […]
Weather modification, Water Rights, China and the 2030 Agenda…Another outstanding bit of researching and dot-joining from Ben Vidgen at Ben’s World. I urge readers to visit his blog site and view the full article! reblogged from Ben’s World The Herald, as a part of the standard corporate media trend (where […]
One of the last true environmentalists who had his career destroyed for telling the truth. David Icke discusses his life and meaning and his polar opposite, Greta “Time Person Of The Year” Thunberg. Sign up to the brand new Ickonic Media Platform – World Tour Tickets –… All […]