Cloud seeding. Is it a thing? Yes. It has been carried out in the US from the 1960s onwards. The UAE performs about 1,000 hours of cloud seeding on average each year in order to supplement the minimal rainfall it receives. by Jo Blogs Red Sky in the morning | Shepherds warning ( Did […]
Was the Christchurch disaster man-made? Is the Auckland weather disaster man-made? Can we geo-engineer quakes and floods? Bringing back memories of the Christchurch earthquake disaster of 12 years ago, Auckland NZ is now devasted by massive flooding and subsequent infrastructure damage. Christchurch 2011 introduced the phrase “Build Back Better” to […]
Another failed 2030 Agenda “Green” initiative house-of-cards topples. A valuable lesson that few will likely learn from, sadly. For those willing to learn, I have a solution. opinion by Martin Harris 1/2/23 I fell over laughing when I heard this on the radio a few days ago From Radio New […]
Here’s few truth-bombs headed your way. Sorry. I guess it isn’t easy being Green. MH Thanks to Jon Eisen for this collection of EV insanities. Martin comments: Yeah, sorry…actually not sorry. I hate EVs and all the hypocrisy that they stand for. Hydrogen looks promising though.
Science ought to be the pursuit of facts. These days it’s become the pursuit of funding. Big corporations profit from the resultant misdirection while getting away with health and environmental crimes. Editorial Opinion by Martin Harris 8/1/23 Your government relies on you having a short memory. A few years BC […]
Now this is a great way to destroy your nation’s infrastructure, Norway! Carl Vernon Carl Vernon201K subscribers 149,002 views Jan 6, 2023Bestselling books and merch: Events: Don’t forget to subscribe. Hit the bell to stay updated on the latest videos and live sessions. Carl Vernon Talks channel: […]
Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly “Wednesday Wakeup” newsletter (…, starting with the Kremlin’s attempt to ruin Christmas, and life, in Ukraine by targeting energy infrastructure, and noting that, without the violence, Western governments are targeting their own. We also look at […]
Help stop our liquid assets being sold down the river! Two items raising the alarm over NZ Government’s desperate attempts to “ram through” the overwhelmingly unpopular Three Waters reforms. There are petitions to be signed. If you oppose Three waters (and I suspect the majority do) then now is the […]
Without fanfare, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US) recently published a weather modification reporting document. See for yourself what is listed therein! Much thanks to Dutchsinse for the heads-up on this find. Dutchsinse reports: “In case you didn’t hear the news, NOAA admitted that electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) can […]
“Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more..” will be a line familiar to Monty Python fans. But despite the comedic name, there’s nothing funny about this outfit. MH From Reclaim the Net: “Nudge Unit” recommends banks track carbon footprint of transactions, reward “sustainable behaviors” An influential United Kingdom (UK) based […]