[ … might be worth staying home tomorrow and hiding under some tin-foil or something… ] [youtube]Hc6TiRke50o[/youtube]
By Bomber Bradbury https://tumeke.blogspot.com/2010/08/who-wants-yummy-glass-of-abortion-milk.html Calls for calf killing practice to be banned A practice that’s been undertaken for generations by New Zealand’s dairy farmers threatens to tarnish our international reputation and could threaten our exports. Dairy farmers deliberately birth thousands of calves prematurely each year in a practice known as […]
Source: sott.net Carbon hysteria reaches its logical conclusion The Optimum Population Trust (OPT), a UK-based “think tank” and registered charity, has launched a new initiative urging wealthy members of the developed world to participate in carbon offsets that fund programs for curbing the population of developing nations. The scheme is being […]
I just got off the horn with the Ruling Elite. We had an emergency conference call and to tell you the truth, they ain’t happy. You little people are not responding the way you are supposed to. A significant portion of you are not getting more optimistic because they tell you to. […]
A United Nations vote to recognize water as a basic human right is a “historic” chance for the global community to ease human suffering, according to a Canadian activist in the thick of a last-ditch lobbying effort. “We’re running out of water and the crisis is getting worse,” Maude Barlow […]
Source: https://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hnRc-COAnkwXl4pq3IR3420c9jQQD9H3BR900 BEIJING — China’s largest reported oil spill more than doubled in size to 165 sq. miles (430 sq. kilometers) by Wednesday, forcing nearby beaches to close and prompting one official to warn of a “severe threat” to sea life and water quality. The oil slick started spreading five days […]