Yup, vaccination is top of the MSM news again. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The United Nations New World Order is upon us. by Martin Harris 28/3/19 The scare was on before the horrific terror attack, and with Christchurch still coming to terms with the aftermath, the […]
Shame on you Whitcoulls! We can read Mein Kampf (yup it’s still available from Whitcoulls) But not “12 Rules For Life”? The following article from Stuff calls Jordan Peterson a “controversial Right wing author”. He is no such thing. He is a clinical psychologist who has ridden a wave of […]
For those of you who still hold onto to the idea that America will never follow in China’s Big Brother footsteps, I give you this disturbing story. By MassPrivateI A recent CNET article revealed how the Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) in Oregon uses Amazon’s Rekognition software to identify shoplifters. The […]
Can you imagine a city in the United States secretly creating a Chinese-style public surveillance network that can identify everyone? Can you imagine that same city secretly creating a Chinese-style public watchlisting network? Well imagine no more because it has already happened. By MassPrivateI When I wrote about “covert facial […]
Woe unto ye O Christchurch! There is an epidemic afoot: A rampant outbreak of The Measles. A total of 28, yes, 28 souls have the Measles. A couple of days back there were 28 confirmed cases and today there are still 28 cases, despite TVNZ’s claim today that the figure […]
This is a “Must watch” presentation! Edge Of Wonder is back on track (I’m not a Wilcock/Disclosure fan) and this presentation is very promising; hopefully subsequent episodes live up to the intro. Socialism/Communism is at the bottom of the NWO rabbit hole. Agenda 2030, Transgender agenda, transhumanism, late term abortion […]
The next big evolutionary Orwellian technology is coming. Soon you will be able to implant yourself with a brain chip to be super smart, CBS Chicagoreported. March 7, 2019 | Aaron Kesel | www.activistpost.com | “The program, Neural Engineering System Design (NESD), stands to dramatically enhance research capabilities in neurotechnology and provide a […]
Received From Tom Dickey as a comment on a related postBut it will get more views as a separate item. Thanks Tom! And please, support this guys: The House of Representatives recently passed a watered-down version of the “USA Freedom Act” – originally intended to curb abuses related to NSA […]
In 1932, Aldous Huxley foresaw a Scientific Dictatorship in his book, Brave New World. In 2019, Huxley’s dystopian future is appearing right before our eyes, but few recognize it. ⁃ TN Editor By Patrick Wood People who have a modern smartphone normally think of 5G as nothing more than a progression […]
A man was denied his dream job in the police “simply because he was a white, heterosexual male”, his lawyers said after Cheshire Police was found guilty of discrimination. Sky News – Feb 23, 2019 Matthew Furlong, who hoped to follow in the footsteps of his father – a serving […]