Dinesh D’Souza on the hidden history Democrats want to ignore There’s no reason for Charlottesville, Virginia, and other Southern cities to remove statues like that of Robert E. Lee as long as racist Democrats continue to be honored throughout the country, contends Dinesh D’Souza, author of the sensational historical expose “The Big […]
https://youtu.be/hKycRuWnnO4 Icke: always interesting and refreshingly blunt and to the point! Enjoy!
According to a joint statement from the Australian Federal Police and New South Wales Police, a terror suspects was “released from police custody last night (Tuesday, 1 August) without being charged with a criminal offence”. The 50-year-old man was one of four arrested by the NSW Joint Counter Terrorism Team […]
No doubt everyone’s heard the MSM story by now, and the astute will note the sketchy details, with plenty of speculation and use of guarded wording. Is this a false flag, or a real potential terror event that was foiled? Either way it’s certainly seems well timed for the NWO […]
https://youtu.be/JzMvXNdSF9g Max Igan is a veteran researcher, film-maker, political activist, artist, speaker and author. He has covered a wide range of diverse topics, and at the core of his work lies one simple question: where is humanity heading? In this 2 part interview, Ole Dammegard poses important questions about the […]
by Chris Matyszczyk July 26, 2017 10:02 AM PDT Commentary: An Amazon patent granted on Tuesday says its drones will capture data about properties to make future recommendations. Just what will it be doing when it’s hovering above your house? Amazon Preparing for the future means preparing for every part […]
Project Blue Beam: Still Crazy After All These Years Part Two: “We Have The Technology” By Martin Harris On September 28, 1981, President Reagan received a letter from Major Ret. Colman VonKeviczky. VonKeviczky was the Director of the International UFO Galactic Spacecraft Research and Analytic Network (ICUFON). This group held […]
A new bill with bipartisan support has drawn the ire of the ACLU and others. By Celisa Calacal / AlterNet July 19, 2017, 1:23 PM GMT A growing number of Republicans and Democrats in Congress are backing a bill that would criminalize support for the international boycott against Israel, also […]
16.07.2017 Author: Steven MacMillan https://journal-neo.org/2017/07/16/brzezinski-wanted-nato-to-become-the-hub-of-a-globe-spanning-web-of-security-pacts/ The end of May marked the death of a man who had been at the center of global affairs for decades. Zbigniew Brzezinski, born in Warsaw in the 1920s, was one of the most influential foreign policy advisers in the US, who also played a pivotal role in […]
Creepy playthings can record kids’ conversations, track their movements, reveal their location and even allow perverts to TALK to them directly By Jasper Hamill 18th July 2017, 12:34 pm Updated: 18th July 2017, 3:13 pm https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/4043182/fbi-issues-urgent-warning-over-spy-toys-which-put-privacy-and-safety-of-children-at-risk/ PARENTS have been urged to steer clear of “spy toys” designed to snoop on […]