WHILE BLAMING TRUMP FOR “ARMS RACE,” OBAMA SIGNS MOMENTOUS “STAR WARS II” SPACE-BASED WEAPONS DEFENSE BILL As politicians and mainstream media blast Trump’s apparently incendiary tweet regarding nuclear arms, none other than President Obama just signed legislation that, by striking a single word from longstanding US nuclear defense policy, could heighten tensions with […]

https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/dec/24/california-dui-caffeine-lawsuit-solano-county California man fights DUI charge for driving under influence of caffeine Attorney for Joseph Schawb, charged with driving under the influence of a drug when his blood test showed only caffeine, calls the charge unheard of ‘There are no studies that demonstrate that driving is impaired by caffeine, because […]

‘Next step, sanctions please By Stuart Littlewood on December 25, 2016 Law-breaking, resolution-busting Israel in a sulk after being told to play by the rules. by Stuart Littlewood Nothing could have been more calculated to ruin Hanukka for the Israeli High Command and bring Christmas cheer to the Palestinian Christians […]

  https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/national/google-more-of-a-worry-than-spy-agencies-pm/ar-AAjODqf?li=BBqdmGR&ocid=SK2MDHP The public should be more worried about companies like Google or Facebook than anything New Zealand’s spy agencies are doing, Prime Minister John Key says. He was responding to calls for the agencies to have a warrant when accessing sensitive personal information, from the likes of Inland Revenue, […]
