This is not satire or a parody article. I know it’s getting harder to tell what’s real and what isn’t these days. MH Jarryd JaegerThe Post MillennialWed, 19 Apr 2023 On Monday, the Public Health Agency of Canada released a report on climate change and its impact on Canadians’ wellbeing. The document centred around […]

As Ardern gives her valediction (or should that be malediction?) we think this an appropriate time to remember her reign and what she did for (and to) New Zealand. to that effect we present this great article by Martin Hanson. Jacinda Ardern: Saint or Psychopath? Author; Martin Hanson While […]

Can Decentralization Save Humanity? – Why Smaller is Better in Politics The following is a transcript of this video. “…the world would be most happily governed if it consisted not of a few aggregations…with their accompaniments of despotism and tyrannic rule, but of a society of small States.”  Saint Augustine, The […]

JP Morgan becomes the latest to roll out invasive point-of-sale biometric payment plan, following Visa, MasterCard and Amazon Leo Hohmann – March 27, 2023 While Americans get increasingly hypnotized by 2024 election coverage, where all they’re hearing about is the theatrics surrounding Donald Trump, the globalists and technocrats are […]
