One would think that, by now, America would have made the connection between war and atrocity. Or, are we too obsessed with our consumer-driven lifestyles, or too apathetic to even pay attention? Or perhaps we believe the military is a refuge for miscreants and deviants capable of unspeakable acts of […]
Could gaining control of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI) be one of the main reasons that Iran is being targeted by Western and Israeli powers? As tensions are building up for an unthinkable war with Iran, it is worth exploring Iran’s banking system compared to […]
Our food is under threat. It is felt by every family farmer who has lost their land and livelihood, every parent who can’t find affordable or healthy ingredients in their neighborhood, every person worried about foodborne illnesses thanks to lobbyist-weakened food safety laws, every farmworker who faces toxic pesticides in […]
[ ..I have no idea why this marnus is still on the air. Despite a welcome decline in its ratings, there are still people out there who will swallow anything coming out of the FOX News hole as gospel. Clips like this show how broadcasters like FOX News – can […]
It’s America in 1962. Slavery is legal once again. The few Jews who still survive – hide under assumed names. In San Francisco, the I Ching is as common as the Yellow Pages. All because some 20 years earlier the United States lost a war – and it is now […]
Before Greece and Portugal, it was Iceland that chilled investors. Now the country’s finances are recovering and its bonds are turning into a lucrative investment. Fitch has upgraded Iceland’s sovereign credit rating from BB+ to BBB- with a stable outlook. The rating agency lifted “the junk bond status” saying the […]
Apparently debunking Israeli false flag attacks over U.S. airwaves is a no-no. [youtube]dimiJigwQ3Q[/youtube] BBC’s Alan Hart 911 was a Mossad operation: Kennith O’Keefe 911 was a Mossad operation: Susan Lindauer (CIA asset with foreknowledge of 911) Claims 911 was a Mossad operation Kevin Barrett: Mark Glenn: Egyptian […]
As journalist, specializing in “homeland security matters”, it is reasonable for people to expect you to know what you are talking about. So when Mickey McCarter went on C-SPAN and started talking about the recent conviction of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (the Underwear Bomber) call-in audience members asked repeatedly why he […]
Rumours that Greece was ready to ditch the Euro saw the currency drop by one per cent against the dollar. [youtube]z9Kn4vTZRqs[/youtube] A German magazine said Greece was planning a pullout of the Eurozone and restore the drachma, as it struggles under the weight of its rescue debt. Leading Greek politicians […]
Today, without much fanfare, US debt to GDP hit 101% with the latest issuance of $32 billion in 2 Year Bonds. If the moment when this ratio went from double to triple digits is still fresh in readers minds, is because it is: total debt hit and surpassed the most […]