[youtube]qCqmI1SQB5o[/youtube] We are also told about the Salafists, and a little on the secular nature of Syria, and the competing goals of the Gulf States, particularly Qatar to rule by religion. Supporting links at youtube source.
This video concentrates on the two major 9/11 issues: The Unidentified Planes and The Controlled Demolitions. Nothing else. [youtube]kID0F8-kxDg[/youtube] It does not mention the NORAD stand–down; the don’t-fly and don’t-go-to-work warnings or the Dancing Israelis or any of the other anomalies and suspicious happenings. The alleged amateur suicide pilots are […]
The issue is not about hummus, chocolate bars or Dead Sea vacations. It is about civil society taking full responsibility for its own action ( or lack of ). The issue is not exactly about Israeli products either, but rather about how even a seemingly innocent decision like buying Israeli […]
It has been one year since the anti-government protest in Bahrain was crushed and many called for a reform of law enforcement in the country. The ex-assistant commissioner of London’s Metropolitan police has taken the task of reform. John Yates is now employed by Bahrain’s Monarchy. Yates resigned from Scotland […]
”What no one seemed to notice,” said a colleague of mine, a philologist, “was the ever widening gap, after 1933, between the government and the people.” Just think how very wide this gap was to begin with, here in Germany. And it became always wider. You know, it doesn’t make […]
[ Apparent youtube recently reset this video’s views counter from 8,000 + to zero ] [youtube]eLMvKLCL8CE[/youtube]
Robert Naiman: ‘Nuclear weapons’ is just a stand in for a range of issues as to why Israel and the US are trying to weaken Iran’s role in the region. [youtube]MjWD-qKXhrU[/youtube]
Some are crying foul over aledged weirdness with Ron Paul and Mitt Romney’s numbers in Maine right now. Whatreallyhappened.com is following it here This from the onion : [youtube]Ifc5RqLltlg[/youtube]
… and you can read all about it and then watch it just by clicking on the picture of the toff below.