. I stopped regarding CNN as a source of credible information back in 2004 after emotionally realising that I was being lied to a scale that I hadn’t previously imagined. With everything going on in the world, it’s interesting to do a retrospective monthly review of all that CNN has […]
For a wider understanding of the Occupy Movement, Please view the following : [youtube]9D9BUgv2G5A[/youtube]
The U.S. campaign to “encircle” China with its Aegis anti-ballistic system [ only in self defence, of course ] is threatening the pristine coastline of Jeju Island, a culturally and ecologically unique land off the southern coast of the Korean peninsula. . Read the rest here
American Jews should start noticing that an astonishing number of Israel’s top soldiers and spies are warning against bombing Iran. It began last summer, when Meir Dagan, fresh from a highly successful, eight-year stint as head of the Mossad, called attacking Iran “the stupidest thing I have ever heard.” He […]
The stage has been set and the show is underway, but without a U.N. resolution to justify their aggression, will the West get it’s grand finale? Just like Libya, the lame stream media is more than happy to tell us about the very real violence that is taking place, but […]
” … without economic growth ~ Portugal will have to leave the Eurozone “ [youtube]LB1RpoTXeCs[/youtube] Portugal’s three largest private banks in 2011 witnessed losses that they had never experienced before.One thousand and one million euros! Press TV’s Antonio Oliveira e Silva reports from Lisbon.
On the 24th January, the day President Obama delivered his last State of the Union speech to Congress before the election, citing the:”selflessness and teamwork of America’s Armed Forces (their) focus on the mission at hand”, the “selfless” Staff Sgt., Frank Wuterich, leader of the massacre at Haditha, in […]
With the revolving door that is the relationship between Monsanto and various federal regulatory agencies, we might as well call Monsanto a part of the administration. President Obama has appointed the worst man possible to the top position at the Food and Drug Administration. Michael R. Taylor (former Monsanto Vice […]
This is interesting ( because it’s true ) [youtube]7k524XcBpCc[/youtube]