As the New Zealand Government withdraws vaccine passes and associated mandates well ahead of the June 1st “Sunset” review date, I should be elated. Yet I feel a deep unshakeable melancholy. Why? The reason Ardern dropped the vaccination pass and employment mandates: “The reason the draconian Jacinda Ardern has dropped […]
What a funny old time it is to be alive right now. More and more people are awakening to the truth as reality unfolds before their eyes. Voices for People are seeing that the promises made regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccine have been based on false […]
Long after the New Zealand Covid Contact Tracing system ceased to be a functioning entity, a hardcore of “scanners” continue to use the system with fanatical dedication. Why? The answer may lie in Classical Conditioning. The question is, what are they being conditioned for? A couple of weeks ago the […]
The state-organized presence of neo-Nazis within the Ukrainian army is not anecdotal, even if it is not possible to quantify it in a certain way. On the other hand, it is easy to count their victims. In general indifference, they have killed 14,000 Ukrainians in eight years. This situation is one of […]
The World Health Organisation – heavily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – wants countries to sign a Covid-19 treaty that would have the “WHO Constitution” take precedence over a country’s constitution during natural disasters and pandemics. 26 February 2022 The Buzz This would allow them to make their “guidelines” […]
There’s no hiding anymore, China backs Putin 100% SerpentZA puts forth some astute commentary and makes a compelling case for the CCP’s hidden support for Putin’s military actions in Ukraine. serpentza998K subscribers For a deeper dive into China’s Propaganda influence and soft power, watch our liveshow ADVPodcasts: Support Sasha […]
Dear friends and enemies of Stilum Curiae, we receive and gladly publish this statement by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on the Russian-Ukraine crisis. Good reading. Marco Tosatti §§§ DECLARATION of Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop, Former Apostolic Nuncio to The United States of America on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis Nothing is […]
Fancy a slice of controversy with your Morning Tea and scones? This should set the cat among the pigeons! MH (Read my opinion/comment page bottom. Martin) Zelensky awards Right Sector commander Dmytro Kotsyubaylo the “Hero of Ukraine” awardWhile Western media deploys Volodymyr Zelensky’s Jewish heritage to refute accusations of Nazi […]
I am deeply saddened by the events in my country and the schisms that are being created in the name of healthcare and “keeping us safe.” I can see the nation is being badly mismanaged by a government that does not have New Zealand’s best interests at heart. What made […]
Ed’s note: While Newman portrays the Ukraine situation in simplistic “Ukraine good, Russia bad” terms, the thrust of this article overall is very relevant and astute. Get past the intro and its well worth reading. Martin LESSONS FOR NEW ZEALANDBy Dr Muriel Newman The shock invasion of the Ukraine serves […]