Our government seems intent on discrimination and division by whatever means. Divide and Conquer in order to introduce a Totalitarian New World Order. Don’t kid yourself that any of this is about indigenous rights. As always they will use such causes (Climate Change and COVID being two others) as a […]
What you’ve got to look forward to New Zealand. Note the SIX booster shots lined up in this signage from Ireland, only two of which have been ticked so far. Welcome to your Digital Prison all those who signed up this tyranny. Your former freedoms are now a “privilege”. …and […]
Am I saying we are programmable? Hell yea! Think about it… We program our children as to how we desire they should perform by telling them over and over and over again what we want them to do. by Joyce Bowen https://joyce-bowen.blog/ What is malware? Malware is a catch-all term […]
This on my morning newsfeed. Newsroom lets the cat out of the bag. My goodness they are getting bold aren’t they? Actually talking about their New World Order openly. Last time they were this bold was the early 1990s. Just before the madness began. MH
A warning from 1964 that applies very much today, right now! 1964. HOW COMMUNISM TAKES OVER COUNTRIES NIGHTBREED 4337 subscribers Wake up, this is what they have been doing to the west.
And to keep the REAL pandemic going, we must have vaccine mandates and passports and crackdowns on the unvaccinated by Jon Rappoport (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.) Daily Mail, November 18, 2021: “Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, […]
The Consequences Would Collapse Supply Chains and Civic Society Sundancetheconservativetreehouse.com A very interesting interview with Chris Spear, president and CEO of the American Trucking Association. During a House Transportation Committee hearing on supply chain issues, CEO Chris Spear shares an internal survey showing that 37% of truck drivers “not only […]
Already happened in New Zealand, this is how it’s going down in Canada. Teachers with the Toronto District School Board are now dismissed as “Covidiots” thanks to not wanting to get jabbed. Rebel News1.52M subscribers FULL REPORT from David Menzies ► https://rebelne.ws/3HCg596 Rebel News: Telling the other side of the […]
Lock Step Scenario reaches the citizen pushback phase!
One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson will withhold support for all government legislation unless the Prime Minister backs her bill to stop vaccine mandates. Ms Hanson will introduce her legislation in the Senate tomorrow which seeks to make it unlawful to discriminate against Australians who choose not to be vaccinated against […]