The Science, The Statistics, and adolescent, irresponsible, dishonest and corrupt Media and Tech, partnered with criminal Deep State and the owned Elected puppets to cause the economic devastation of The West. by G Squared There will be a need for another pandemic lie before 2024 to cover the alleged unrelated genocides […]
Is it Lockdown Lunacy? Or are we genuinely facing an historic threat to our health and well-being that fully justifies these actions? From Kiwi4Justice via EWR New Zealand is now back in a nationwide Level 4 lockdown and Australian states have been going in and out of various levels of lockdown for a number of months now. The New […]
How to track your every move without cameras or removing your facemask? Thanks to NASA and lasers, your unique heartbeat is the answer. The World Economic Forum’s Totally Not Creepy New Idea Schwab and the boys are at it again. Anything Goes110K subscribers Remember this? WO2020060606 CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY […]
Vietnam began to issue 50 million chip-based digital ID cards with embedded biometrics to eligible citizens beginning in February of this year, and Entrust has been revealed as a provider of issuance systems and software for the project, along with strategic partner MK Group. By Chris Burt Sourced from Truth Unmuted via Biometric Update […]
A nice little diversion from COVID hysteria and a primer to a topic I’m currently researching. Martin Fortean Studies 991 subscribers Joseph P Farrell talks at IUFOC 2009 about the context of German physics and technology breakthroughs during WWII. Part 2:… RELATED: Joseph P Farrell and Tino Struckmann live […]
Jeff Wefferson points to an extraordinary “coincidence” of COVID lockdown scenarios, both stemming from the ineffective PCR test. I am sharing these two practically identical stories, one from NT and one from NZ, one day apart. The specific details and even wording of the stories is so similar, not to […]
Lockdown doesn’t work. The vaccine apparently doesn’t work. So, what’s the point? Here we are, back in Level 4. At least one of the 4 new cases was fully vaccinated. This is a very long way from the first recipient of the “97% effective” Pfizer vaccine to get the coronavirus. […]
A Swedish politician who suggested that the UN’s “code red” climate report was “scare propaganda” was subsequently forced to resign from her political party. Paul Joseph WatsonSummit NewsThu, 12 Aug 2021 Earlier this week, the United Nations released a hysterical report that enjoyed wall to wall media coverage warning of ecological […]
What do you do when something that used to be a conspiracy is now being sung about and reported on the news? Point it out as we run from mandatory vaccines and covid passports? From Jo Blogs Red Sky In The Morning A year ago children in the Pacific sang […]
In this video we are going to explore the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a […]