The global elites at the United Nations and the World Economic Forum are very upset that you might accidentally stumble across the truth about the Messenger 33 coronavirus vaccine, the mind-numbing side effects and the coming digital identification, so they have launched a site called ‘Verified’ to tell you what your opinion is. by Pam Vernon at EWR […]

Some people might not be familiar with the verb “to dissemble”, but we all need to become familiar with it, because there is a lot of dissembling going on. Anna Von Reitzpaulstramer.netMon, 30 Nov 2020 It basically means to deliberately conceal something or obfuscate it, so that one’s attention is […]

G Squared sets the scene with some rather disturbing footage… Martin comments: Be sure not to miss the Illuminati/Luciferian “triangle” salute at 0:53. Which god are these guys really unwittingly following? And what happened to “Thou shalt not kill”? In my opinion, politics and religion are dangerous bedfellows! In fact, […]

A look on my YouTube feed today indicates that many channels are rebelling against the election fraud censorship edict: Let’s see how it plays out! MH Here’s Micah Curtis with some opinion on the matter: Micah CurtisRTThu, 10 Dec 2020 YouTube has benefited from the protections of Section 230 of […]
