The facts might surprise you. Or send shivers down your spine. by Martin Harris 24/11/20 In the course of sifting out interesting articles and information for Uncensored readers, the author subscribes to a multitude of newsfeeds both alternative and mainstream. One of those sources, Newsroom, has recently published a number […]
A “Must watch” Presentation in a refreshingly reserved and gentlemanly fashion, despite the sensational and disturbing revelations. Front Page If Congress rejects the conclusion of the election, under the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution, the House of Representatives would hold a “contingent election” to select the president. The […]
Leftists responded to a Twitter thread asking “how do you deprogram 75 million people?” by suggesting Trump supporters should be interned in “re-education camps” and that all conservative talk radio should be banned. Paul Joseph WatsonZero HedgeThu, 19 Nov 2020 “No seriously…how *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do […]
After initially claiming a success in their soft approach to COVID-19, Sweden is now falling in line as the “second wave” arrives. Martin Harris 21/11/20 In July, this was the word from Swedish authorities. The epidemic is now being slowed down, in a way that I think few of us […]
Though the broader policy focuses on jobs, technology, investment and industry, the transport component is substantial, and brings forward a ban set less than a year ago for 2040 to the year 2030, making this policy a stark and imminent reality for UK companies and consumers alike. Ketan JoshiThe Driven […]
Censorship always hardens attitudes; it does not change minds. Dr.Malcolm KendrickDr.Malcolm Kendrick OrgTue, 17 Nov 2020 The COVID19 pandemic has thrown into sharp relief the concerns that a number of people have about vaccination. However, such is the eagerness to develop a vaccine, and get everyone to take it, that authorities […]
Masks cover the faces of criminals, and we are dealing with criminals. By Judge Anna von Reitz | Big Lake, Alaska There are tons of data points and research studies telling us that the cloth masks that people are wearing are ineffective as a barrier to viruses. There are more […]
Yes, well they would wouldn’t they? China finally has their puppet on the verge of the White House. But it isn’t over yet. Biden’s words: “until every vote is counted”. Preferably legally and fairly. The CCP joins the Western MSM in pre-empting the outcome of the US elections. How predictable. […]
As the MSM trashes Trump and presents Joe Biden as a glorious saviour of the free world, it’s time for a reminder who the real criminal is! (and PS Trump just won Alaska: the count goes on!) MH The Biden Family’s Foreign Corruption Former Speaker of the House Speaker Gingrich […]