Credibly researched and fact based. Must Watch! Go to YT and sub to their channel! Facts Matter 67.6K subscribers Sidney Powell filed 2 federal lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan. They include major allegations of voter fraud, witness testimony and surveillance footage. What does the evidence tell us? #2020Election#Kraken#SidneyPowell Article resources: […]

A UK-based travel firm has polarized social media after announcing that it will no longer be doing business with Qantas Airways due to the airline’s decision to require Covid-19 jabs for all international passengers. RTTue, 24 Nov 2020 Tradewinds Travel, an independent tour operator, posted a statement on its website explaining that […]

A “Must watch” Presentation in a refreshingly reserved and gentlemanly fashion, despite the sensational and disturbing revelations. Front Page If Congress rejects the conclusion of the election, under the Twelfth Amendment of the United States Constitution, the House of Representatives would hold a “contingent election” to select the president. The […]

Leftists responded to a Twitter thread asking “how do you deprogram 75 million people?” by suggesting Trump supporters should be interned in “re-education camps” and that all conservative talk radio should be banned. Paul Joseph WatsonZero HedgeThu, 19 Nov 2020 “No seriously…how *do* you deprogram 75 million people? Where do […]
