Well, to tell the truth… Police being defunded, and stood down. Rioters paid and legally protected. Business owners closed and jailed. China Virus causing shut downs. Rent payments suspended. High unemployment. Violent drug related crimes. A destroyed economy. Corrupt political animals blocking stimuli packages. Major Inner City devastations in Dem […]

Welcome back to #NewWorldNextWeek — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. By The Corbett Report This week: Story #1: State Attorneys General Urge U.S. to Let Other Firms Make Gilead COVID-19 Drug Red Flags Soar As […]

ACT NOW! Freedom to make informed choices, or enforced medication? From Pam Vernon at EWR: Petition request: That the House of Representatives urge theGovernment to ensure that the use of any coronavirus vaccine isvoluntary in New Zealand and that no coercion will be applied to NZersfrom Government or private entities to take it. […]
