I’ve always had an instinctive aversion to Tony Blair. Even before he became prime minister I sensed that there was something fundamentally dishonest about him. Subsequent events confirmed that. By wmw_admin on June 18, 2020 (Truthseeker.net) June 17, 2020 Outwardly charming, he was a consummate liar who was ready to serve the elite and […]
Melbourne Australia. In broad daylight. No one helps and the cops won’t act. What sort of society are we living in?! MH Please share. Avi Yemini Footage has emerged of a 16-yr-old girl being brutally attacked by a gang of eight in Melbourne. I have to warn you, the video […]
Make no mistake, this will be absolute tyranny on a global scale. Mac Slavo June 16, 2020 The mainstream media is silent as the elitists who want power over every human on Earth plan to meet in a Swiss town to discuss “the Great Reset,” a push to a one-world […]
If you thought the idea of manipulating the human nervous system via TV screens and computer monitors was reserved solely for the realm of science fiction, think again. Registered patents indicate that this may not be quite as far-fetched as it sounds. Isabelle Z – Natural News June 13, 2020 […]
“I will possibly be called a racist or even a white supremacist (even though I’m a brown man, who’s been beaten to a pulp by neo-Nazis wearing steel toed boots).” Amir Pars Amir ParsTwitterFri, 05 Jun 2020 I will lose many friends over what I’m about to say. I will […]
“Progressive” Leftists ideology always rests on a conviction that the current “regressive” system is comprehensively unjust and must be destroyed by exploiting its weaknesses. John HaywardBreitbartSat, 06 Jun 2020 15:36 UTC The most famous proponent of such tactics in recent years has been the late Saul Alinksy, the intellectual godfather […]
I have a masochistic streak. Only explanation for my obsession with TV news. Drives me mad, but I can’t stop watching. by Martin Harris 9/6/20 Tonight was little different from any other night on the news. Propaganda, misinformation, diversion and extreme bias in reporting as per norm. TV One headlined […]
A must-watch! Spiro Skouras of Activist Post recaps and discusses the COVID agenda. By Spiro Skouras JUNE 6, 2020 For months we have seen our way of life change dramatically. We have been told time and time again things will never be the same and we must accept the new normal. […]
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains proposed new law requiring British citizens to wear galoshes and to hop everywhere. Vernon Coleman For more unbiased information please visit http://www.vernoncoleman.com Thank you for all your support and encouragement. Please subscribe to this channel and please share.
They’re both engineered to eventually achieve DEPOPULATION of the human race Mike Adams – Natural news June 3, 2020 The pandemic lockdowns and riots were rolled out in back-to-back fashion, crushing the U.S. economy and spreading fear, violence and unprecedented economic destruction. What do both events have in common? They were […]