Fact checkers have had a field day with a quote attributed to WEF and French presidential advisor Jacques Attali. We’re going to dive into what the fact checkers say and what Attali actually said. Martin Harris 22/11/23 Who is Attali? He’s a fairly controversial figure… Review: The Rise and Fall […]

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is continuing its global push to support government-backed digital ID programs — this time setting its sights on Kenya, where it will advise the government on that country’s “Maisha Namba” digital ID initiative currently under development, Reclaim the Net reports. Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.Children’s Health DefenseMon, 30 […]

Dictator Dan is gone! Congrats to Victoria and a great vid here from Rebel News as freedom lovers unite and fascist hypocrite Andrews fans get a grilling! Thousands of Victorians gathered outside the Victorian Parliament in Melbourne to celebrate the sudden resignation of Premier Dan Andrews. (For readers outside Aussie […]

NOW is the time. Take action against the WHO before its too late! If you are a citizen or resident of the UK, please sign this petition and spread the word. The deadline to sign is October 3, 2023. https://petition.parliament.uk/petiti… More useful links from James; https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/a… http://StopTheAmendments.com http://ExitTheWHO.org (worldwide) http://ExitTheWHO.com […]

You’ve got to hand it to Mr. Brand. despite the blatantly contrived attack orchestrated by Channel 4 and backed by the UK Government, he’s not only soldiered on regardless, but upped his content output AND increased his views. This one’s a beaut, highlighting the idiocrasy and hypocrisy of Trudeau and […]

MEP Anderson took no prisoners in her latest warning to the globalitarian elite. Vigilant NewsWed, 20 Sep 2023 Member of the European Parliament Christine Anderson has been an unyielding opponent to Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’ Agenda. Known best for her famous smackdown on Justin Trudeau, MEP Anderson has established herself as one of […]
