A 2015 Soros-funded think tank predicted a 2020 breakdown of the global food supply following an outbreak — just as Bill Gates’ 2019 “event 201” simulated a global pandemic. Watch the Bill Gates & friends ‘plandemic’ preparedness exercise cum conference held in October 2019 centerforhealthsecurity 4.31K subscribers Selected moments from […]
Borders will close Flights will be cancelled The Stock Market will crash And the Supermarket will run out of all those handy things that you forgot to put on last weeks shopping list…. Coronageddon is at hand! Yes, rather than beat the mainstream fearporn drum I thought I’d inject a […]
Another shrewd mind points to the pandemic mass hysteria as a cover for rapid implementation of the New World Order. I’ve had a number of folk express skepticism about the 2030 implementation goal, but I view this latest development as a variant of the Project Blue Beam scenario: An expedient […]
Perceptive and interesting opinion and analysis on the pandemic agenda from Igan. He seems to have a good case and my own thinking currently runs along similar lines to what he’s saying. There’s definitely an acceleration of the Globalist NWO operating beneath the crisis narrative. MH Coronavirus Cases in the […]
“Basically, they had a standoff with a dog,” True story! Keystone Cops predicted the future apparently. February 26, 2020 By Matt Agorist Caldwell, ID — Cops in Idaho managed an epic act of incompetence when they shot up and teargassed a woman’s home — even though she had given them […]
Here comes the Thought Police! But this guy won the day. Free Speech on trial here. MH New Culture Forum I So What You’re Saying Is This week on “So What You’re Saying Is…”, Peter Whittle interviews Harry Miller, 1 week after his High Court victory against Humberside Police. The […]
God help Scotland if it gains independence under a Scottish National Party government! Paul Joseph Watson – Summit News Feb 24, 2020 A Scottish MP invited a drag queen called ‘Flowjob’ who had previously uploaded sexually explicit content to Twitter to a primary school and then called parents who complained […]
This 96 minute documentary will expose the truth behind the global “Race to 5G”, the health, privacy, and local power concerns, and the corruption between the Big Wireless industry and the U.S. government. The Conscious Resistance Network Presents: The 5G Trojan Horse Researched, Written, and Narrated by Derrick Broze Produced […]
A funny thing happened on the way from eleven to ten Downing Street on 13/2/2020. by G Squared Sajid Javid, at the time Chancellor of The Exchequer, walked next door (there are actually internal connections from Whitehall through to Westminster Palace through Embankment, from the days of the secret underground […]
Right now, our government is amending our Abortion laws, I thought they were liberal enough but apparently not. Jo-Blogs, Red Sky in the Morning “I’m proposing it comes out of the Crimes Act,” Jacinda Adern explained to the disability community. It sounds very high-minded and caring. Actually Jacinda’s being disingenuous […]