“Must read” item! Ben specifically requested that I share this article from his archives and it is indeed something that we should all be aware of. While the “bookburning” is nothing new, (refer the documentary Skeletons in the Closet for instance) it is quietly gaining momentum as history and heritage […]
An eye-opening assemblage of information from NZ blogger Jo-Blogs. Please be sure to visit her blog at the link below the article! MH According to Sustainable Development Goal SDG 16 of the U.N. Agenda 2030 we’re going to need a digital identity. This high-minded goal doesn’t tell us that, it […]
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but…history matters. by Jon Rappoport January 25, 2020 When you see a new story on the horizon, and it looks a lot like an old story you know was a hoax, you have to dig up that history and report it. […]
An IMPORTANT article for those who think for themselves! If the public had a clear understanding of what’s going on in their world, the empire would forever lose its ability to control them and rule them. Whoever controls the narrative controls the world. The imperialists understand this. The public, by […]
God forbid he should spread a positive message. Source: Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com A middle schooler who wore a sweatshirt featuring the words ‘Virginity Rocks’ said administrators threatened him with suspension if he wore it again. Seventh-grader Londyn Piglowski said he was told by his social studies teacher to turn […]
Trilateralist Carter’s Camp David Accords of 17/9/1978 eventually saw The Sinai returned by Israel. A whale that could not be swallowed. No matter how ravenous the postured appetite. by G Squared Sadat was murdered on 6/10/1981. All four assassins as well as The 1993 WTC linked Abdul-Rahman were sent to […]
Great victory for internet freedom in India! On 10th of January, 2019, the Supreme Court of India requested the Indian central government to review the suspension of internet services in Jammu and Kashmir. The ruling stated that the five-month long communication blockade imposed on the region by the Indian government […]
A PC Specialist ad has been banned in the UK for perpetuating “harmful gender stereotypes” because it doesn’t feature any women. Paul Joseph Watson – Summit News Jan 11, 2020 Apparently, the commercial, which features a white man, a black man and an Asian man, isn’t diverse enough. The UK’s […]
The central banks have recently become obsessed with two things. As Zero Hedge points out, one of these objectives is climate change. The other, is blockchain technology and the digitization of currency. Spiro Skouras But why would the global central banks suddenly be obsessed with climate change and blockchain? Shouldn’t […]
The Rosario Case would be one of some 25% of ‘Convictions’ in the history of a system that has deep and entrenched flaws. Where innocence has no values to the players, apart from the victims of the system. by G Squared It historically and culturally objects to correction. The philosophy being […]