Does this science fiction narrative look a teansy bit familiar…? Of course it’s “just Coincidence”, right? V(Fallen)-The Vax is designed to build a following that may actually hide a more malevolent agenda, ( One that twists a very deep component of human nature: devotion. R6 is a compound created by […]

While President Joe Biden is using a legally questionable statute to enforce what is essentially a vaccine mandate on the American workforce, members of Congress, their staffs, and anyone who works in Congress will reportedly be exempt from the mandate. Chris EnloeThe BlazeSat, 11 Sep 2021 What is the background? […]

When asked about a “COVID-free” future in a recent interview, NZ Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield responded that COVID is now part of our future, we should see restrictions continue for “Three to five years”. So, 2025 or thereabouts? Bloomfield’s comment was, to me , just the latest in a […]

Birds of a feather. Nancy Pelosi was hanging out with the Soros family this past weekend, George and son Alexander. Of course, masks were optional. They did not expect any photo ops for the plebes. Maybe they were celebrating the collapse of US superpower status following Biden’s Afghanistan debacle? continue… […]

A variety of interconnected topics from our mysterious contributor, G Squared SPREAD THE WORD INTERNATIONALLY. FREE AUSTRALIA THIS PSYCHOPATHIC DICTATORSHIP OF AUSTRALIA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY DISEASE, REAL OR IMAGINED. WAKE UP. —————————————————————–  A major False Flag looms. I can’t elaborate here; but I signalled this at least […]

Janssen Johnson & Johnson:  Pfizer-Bio-N-Tech (mRNA), Moderna (Gates-Soros, Mologic), Oxford Astra Zeneca (adenovirus), Sino-Vacc (China), Sputnik (two Russian).  Opinion by G Squared Countless batches from Saline to time delayed, causational plausibly denied, comorbidity disengaged, to Guillain-Barre, Epstein-Barr, AIDS, to Hodgkin’s and other carcinomas and lymphomas, Hep A,B,C,E, even Zika, and […]

This August Palantir described by Bloomberg as “the Bond villain big data surveillance company with a Bond villain name that routinely and openly aids in killing people like most Bond villains do, announced it will soon accept Bitcoin payments for its Bond villain services”. Palantir’s COO, Shyam Sankar, explained the company […]

This is a repost of two items we posted here back in May and June. In light of recent events and Biden’s statement that he will “not repeat the past”, this makes for interesting context. THERE ARE MORE WAYS TO WAGE WAR THAN PUTTING TROOPS ON THE GROUND! Secretary of […]

The UK is sending around 600 troops to Afghanistan to carry out an emergency airlift of civilians, as the Taliban closes in on the capital Kabul after seizing several key cities in the last week. Kim Sengupta – The Independent Aug 12, 2021 Most embassy staff, other British nationals, and Afghans who […]
