Open Thread on The Christchurch Earthquakes Related material compiled by Martin Harris 9/2/19: Saves all interested readers some searching. It’s all here!
We don’t want to be alarmist, but…having been on the receiving end of several large scale earthquakes : Better to be prepared and nothing happens, than to sit back and think “it will never happen in my lifetime” as many Cantabrians here in NZ thought. The quakes are one thing, […]
“Where will the Children play?” asked Cat Stevens (Yusuf) in his popular song from the 70s. The climate, like the times, is always changing, and as a parent, I ask myself the same question Cat did all those years ago. But discerning the truth about our changing environment and the […]
New book by Peter A. Kirby reveals all! With thanks to Activistpost By Peter A. Kirby Who is behind putting hundreds, perhaps thousands of large jet aircraft in the sky that routinely dump megatons of toxic waste over us and our biosphere? We know it is happening. Emissions from jet […]
– “…We are currently in the second generation, specifically marked by theadvances in computer CPU technology. Advances in the third generation will allow for much of the diamond nano-skinned balloon systems to function. The fourth generation will converge networkability, energy conversion and molecular scale activities in atmospheric change” The Smoking […]
As we are constantly being reminded here in NZ, it’s a matter of “when” not “If”. I’ve lived through enough seismic upheaval already, but worse could be coming, especially for North Islanders. And there’s always the possibility that the HAARPsters will ensure things happen according their agenda. Forewarned is fore-armed. […]
Conspiracy theory no more, Ionospheric heating/modification including HAARP itself, and the potential for weather chaos and more, is exposed in the Mainstream Media, thanks to China’s bragging, even though somewhat downplayed. Here’s the NZ Herald article (thanks to Rose at for the alert). China and Russia band together on […]
“What if someone saw that you were terrified and fleeing in panic, then they saw that your house was in flames. They would rightly perceive a causal relationship. But what if they saw a bloke with a flame-thrower aimed at your house, yet neglected to mention this? And the evening […]
Back-to-back earthquakes measuring 7.0 and 5.8 struck the Anchorage, Alaska area just before 8:30 a.m. local time Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. A tsunami warning was issued but later lifted. Note the related seismic activity in Canada, Oregon, and the Bering Sea regions: So far no reports of casualties but […]
Unless you’ve been sleepwalking through the past few weeks, you’ll have noticed some crazy weather and earth changes, of course the latest in an increasingly serious series of wildfires in California being prominent in the MSM. SOTT does an informative roundup of worldwide wild weather, and their own take on […]