For the immediate moment, forget about all the talk about Russian troops training inside of the United States under a series of the Federal Emergency Management Agency Bilateral Agreements with the Russian military as now reported in European publications. For the moment, let’s suspend our comparisons of the extreme human rights violations […]
The Syrian civil war, insurrection, rebellion, revolt, uprising, call it what you will, was not home grown in Syria by Syrians with differing outlooks as to how their nation should be governed —as the mainstream media would have you believe— it was part of a strategy pre-planned by vicious, sociopathic […]
Nureddin Sabir argues that Libya may has passed the point of no return, just as Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo had done before it, and is now a failed state. Article
According to the majority media reports in the West, Venezuela is witnessing a wave of popular protest against its totalitarian government, by students and citizens tired of crime, corruption and food shortages. However, a closer look the history of US imperialism in Venezuela and Latin America, reports from independent journalists […]
One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents. Article […]
Russia is planning to expand its permanent military presence outside its borders by placing military bases in a number of foreign countries, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Wednesday. Shoigu said the list includes Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, the Seychelles, Singapore and several other countries. Read the rest here
As Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland made clear in her speech last December and in the leaked recording of her telephone conversation with the US ambassador in Kiev, Washington spent $5 billion of US taxpayer dollars engineering a coup in Ukraine that overthrew the elected democratic government. That it […]