A three part BBC documentary series by filmmaker Adam Curtis, well known for other documentaries including The Trap and The Power of Nightmares. It is an astounding series of films about how humans have been colonised by ( amongst other things ) the machines they have built. [youtube]Uz2j3BhL47c[/youtube] [youtube]Yq0xVuRG4ng[/youtube] [youtube]lXJYkkxh0rk[/youtube]
Israeli warplanes have attacked the eastern Gaza Strip in yet another use of excessive force against the Palestinian residents of the besieged territory. In the incident, which happened in the early hours of Sunday, Israeli F-16 jets flew over Gaza City and fired a missile at the area of Jabal […]
Police use tear gas on demonstrators in Malaysia as opposition leader is among those injured. [youtube]VTHnjIv36Eg[/youtube]
It’s because Greece, although poor for a European country, is tied into those networks. Read the rest here
A cargo plane has crashed in eastern Afghanistan, killing at least nine crew members and causing a major fire on a mountain top. The aircraft hit a mountain peak some 50 km north of the Afghan capital of Kabul late Tuesday. Read the rest here
[ … with its policy makers using their Nazi asshole techniques for uninterrupted land theft such as pouring concrete into village wells as well as the following : ] IDF Destroys Nine Water Tanks In Parched Palestinian Village Late Tuesday morning, July 5, around 11:30am, a convoy of IDF, Civil […]
[youtube]D8B4-1I9Q98[/youtube] Richard Gage, AIA was the featured guest for 9.5 minutes during the morning TV talk show “Ireland:AM” on the popular mainstream TV3 channel which was broadcast throughout the country on 6/9/11. The producer also played most of the trailer of the DVD “9/11: Blueprint for Truth” which shows a […]
We’re happy to announce the release of the latest Pop-Up Fallacies video. This one is Obama’s May 1 2011 speech – with an average LPM (Lies Per Minute) rating of 9.5 [youtube]m2TIpz2lClg[/youtube]
Without knowing how money is created and managed, all other topics concerning money are out of context. This is crucial : regarding trillions of dollars of economic power, you have no idea where money comes from. It’s time for you to learn. Read the rest here