A three part BBC documentary series by filmmaker Adam Curtis, well known for other documentaries including The Trap and The Power of Nightmares. It is an astounding series of films about how humans have been colonised by ( amongst other things ) the machines they have built. [youtube]Uz2j3BhL47c[/youtube] [youtube]Yq0xVuRG4ng[/youtube] [youtube]lXJYkkxh0rk[/youtube]


[youtube]D8B4-1I9Q98[/youtube] Richard Gage, AIA was the featured guest for 9.5 minutes during the morning TV talk show “Ireland:AM” on the popular mainstream TV3 channel which was broadcast throughout the country on 6/9/11. The producer also played most of the trailer of the DVD “9/11: Blueprint for Truth” which shows a […]
