No one owns the world, yet we all do, along with other non-speaking species. This is a reality which has very real consequences. Each one of us has the potential to impact the lives of everyone else in this world for better or worse. After all, it is up to […]
Gilad Atzmon views the historical and cultural roots of Zionist domination of Western politics, especially in Britain and the United States, tracing the Israel stooges’ tools of choice – political donations, think tanks and media control – to the tales of the Book of Esther and Purim. ”If our media […]
[ … again ] Officials in Gaza have retrieved the bodies of two Palestinians killed in Israeli air raids on the Gaza Strip, the Associated Press news agency has reported. An Israeli army spokesperson confirmed the overnight strikes targeting what they said were two smuggling tunnels on the Rafah border near Egypt, […]
Turkey is the Key Bombs go off in Turkey, a great spree of terrorist bombings and attacks. Practically every day Turkish soldiers and civilians are being killed. The killings are done ostensibly by the Kurd terrorists of PPK, but this is a new step in Israel’s warfare against Turkish independence. […]
WATCHING DARKNESS DESCEND IN THE INFORMATION AGE Today the Israeli news service sent out an email broadcast, 87 US Senators affirmed unquestioning support for Israel in the wake of worldwide condemnation for Israeli actions against the Freedom Flotilla. In Australia, Prime Minister Rudd, after strongly admonishing Israel for counterfeiting Australian passports […]
The Israeli intelligence agency Mossad has failed in an attempt to assassinate Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a Jordanian weekly says. Informed sources in Turkey say that the Mossad plot has been foiled by the country’s security forces, al-Manar quoted a report in the most recent edition of the […]
An electronic Press Kit for Oliver Stone’s new doco Official site here [youtube]76IxxapAHQo[/youtube] [youtube]fI446mXonu0[/youtube] [youtube]rY53DmmkyBQ[/youtube] [youtube]zWH8i8I3V0M[/youtube] [youtube]3hOdXCk1gwA[/youtube] [youtube]upj0XP8MDng[/youtube] [youtube]m2p_xgL_o9E[/youtube] [youtube]iIc8R70JpLc[/youtube] [youtube]RVqzxfpZsDM[/youtube] [youtube]uy4-EDF4_H8[/youtube] [youtube]KwyguUeNj_M[/youtube]
[youtube]pNjb1MGmGDc[/youtube] [youtube]GxhMmjDlIC0[/youtube] [youtube]OrkpcbmXAWE[/youtube] “This series is based on an article by Jeff Gates, who is a widely acclaimed author, attorney, merchant banker, educator and consultant to governments worldwide, who served for seven years as counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance. He is the author of Guilt by Association, […]