[youtube]oGlk5ABt824[/youtube] [youtube]iN70R14HL4E[/youtube] [youtube]YrlikpcVmR0[/youtube]
David Wilcock’s recent audio interview with Benjamin Fulford https://www.divinecosmos.com/podcasts/Fulford-Wilcock_1-10_final.mp3 … about the fall of the Fed and more. An open mind is required.
Bush Jr. and Clinton shucking and jiving, using Haiti. Video: https://www.brasschecktv.com/page/789.html
While Israeli soldiers can’t fight in the war in Afghanistan, Israeli drones can. Starting next week, five NATO member countries will be operating unmanned aerial vehicles produced in the Jewish state in anti-Taliban operations in the Central Asian country. [ If you think that none of this concerns you – […]
[before he died ] [youtube]7nD7dbkkBIA[/youtube] Watch America: Freedom to Fascism here
This video is mandatory viewing to all supporters of the war(s). [youtube]IsrMzfhdmkU[/youtube]
“I support Humanity. Compassion with wisdom, is what we all should strive for. My videos cover the topics that the mainstream media don’t want to touch for fear of upsetting their advertisers and the government. I am just a human who happens to be born in the UK and who […]
[ “Do As I Say, Not As I Do ” ] The Vatican is facing some awkward questions after an investigation was launched into its alleged involvement in a money-laundering scheme. [youtube]nYUSKMYiL2Q[/youtube]
[youtube]tJWqanx_s30[/youtube] https://latuff2.deviantart.com/ https://www.youtube.com/user/Latuff