A curious little list of organizations one would do well to contemplate. from Jon Eisen: And how come those who created and promoted the product don’t stand behind it 100% ? Here’s Anthony “Burla the Bullfrog” seemingly setting himself up for an alibi when the excrement hits the air-stirrer. NOTE […]

Florida has been taking the lead on mRNA vaccine truth for a few months now, and the situation has ramped up with Governor DeSanti’s bombshell announcement. Not a whisper in NZ’s MSM naturally…MH WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis held a roundtable discussion joined by Surgeon General Dr. Joseph […]

No it isn’t satire or a hoax. We did a little digging and analysis on this one and share our observations about the alleged vaccine and traffic accident link! MH Martin Harris 15/12/22 Original source of info is a video by Carl Vernon: I went and read the actual study […]

While this may be the fourth vaccine related death reported in NZ, the bigger picture is yet to be shown: Thousands still living but suffering Myocarditis and other cardiac and nervous issues following the jab, and that’s before we factor in the number of post-vax COVID cases and reinfections. This […]

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance and pharmacovigilance data Robert W Malone MD, MSrwmalonemd.substack.comTue, 06 Dec 2022  In my past professional life – probably a decade ago, I had a client named Dr. Carlton Brown. Dr. Brown, at the time, was CEO and co-innovator at Immune Targeting Systems Ltd (UK). I always enjoyed […]
