Next time someone calls you a “conspiracy theorist” for suggesting depopulation and the New World Order are a thing, show them these little gems: The first monster, Dennis Meadows, is a Club of Rome member who claimed as far back as 1972 that “CO2 is an atmospheric pollutant” and wants […]
hidden agenda 2030
Why did police block streets? Why did state stall release of critical water supplies? If you question any of this, media says you’re a believer in ‘outlandish conspiracy theories’ Do not question anything: Just sit down, accept what we tell you, and shut up, plebes! Leo Hohmann – Aug MSN, […]
So where do we begin with the economy of this country? The poor, old, limping New Zealand economy. Liz Gunn – 13 August, 2023. Well, when one steps back and looks at the economic overview, there are really five economic arteries that should never be severed from the heart of […]
BlackRock is increasingly creeping into our daily lives. We’ve covered the subject in many articles which I’ve collated links to here for your convenience and have added some updates too. “Nothing to see here” as Ardern does dirty deals before exiting the stage… And now… Personally, I think Plunkett’s interview […]
So the guy running the show in Maui is the same guy who ran the show during the “Vegas massacre”… Author: Strange sounds Yep! Maui’s “new” Police Chief John Pelletier was also the Las Vegas Police Commander presiding over the cover-up of the Las Vegas massacre on October 1, […]
Weather mod. remember when we were all blithering idiots for saying it’s going on right now in the skies above us? remember we were all “conspiracy theorists for telling everyone it’s been going on for decades/ Watch and weep: And it is very far from safe.
Lurid headlines about a ‘deadly’ heatwave in the U.S. last month pinned the blame on climate change and claimed that the warmth was just getting started. ‘Deadly US southwest heatwave will expand to cover much of America as warnings issued,’ cried Sky News. Will JonesDaily ScepticWed, 09 Aug 2023 Now the data are […]
Concerns rise over political push for power to control speech. by Avi Yemeni at Rebel News In an effort to combat a threat to freedom of speech in Australia, a group led by Nick Patterson in Melbourne has taken to the streets to educate the public about a proposed misinformation […]
Chloe Cole, a 19-year-old woman who was put through sex change procedures as a young teenager, told lawmakers Thursday on Capitol Hill that she was the victim of the “one of the biggest medical scandals” in American history. Leif Le Mahieu – The Daily Wire July 27, 2023 Cole made the comments during a […]
EFF and 66 human rights and free speech advocacy groups across the globe today called on EU Internal Commissioner Thierry Breton to clarify that the Digital Services Act (DSA)–new regulations aimed at reining in Big Tech companies that control the lion’s share of online speech worldwide–does not allow internet shutdowns […]