Lab created “viruses” in service of “vaccines.” Targeting children with a bioweapon next will “get people’s attention.” Good Citizen Dec 21 After everything that’s transpired over the past eighteen months, they haven’t bothered to recall any toxic poisons posing as “vaccines.” That’s how we know they’re working as intended. What […]

Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly “Wednesday Wakeup” newsletter (…, starting with the Kremlin’s attempt to ruin Christmas, and life, in Ukraine by targeting energy infrastructure, and noting that, without the violence, Western governments are targeting their own. We also look at […]

A powerful story of the Memorial Day event, and the delivery of a petition to New Zealand’s Parliament in Wellington. SilentNoMoreNZ1  Published December 18, 2022 Brave injured people and their families gather together to share their grief and suffering at a Memorial service for Rory Nairn, who died as a result […]

Not being reported in the MSM (surprised?) is the “under the radar” defunding of Border Control Police, via the $1.7 trillion Omnibus Bill 2022. Looks like a recipe for orchestrated chaos. Here’s the communication from our correspondent G Squared, and following I’ll make connections to the “master plan”. Martin The […]

Bringing the Nord Stream 2 saga up to date: Two plus two equals…well, you don’t have to be a genius to join the dots here. MH First some links to recap on the Nord Stream “accident” Which brings us to subsequent recent events: The US is set to double its […]

How in the hell did they know? This is uncannily close to present reality. Predictive Programming – Revealing The Method – The X-Files Also on Brighteon if YT takes it down: 264 views Dec 16, 2022 They always reveal the method. It is on you if you don’t get […]

When Jordan Peterson says it like this, the under-the radar creep towards a Technocracy looks damned terrifying in its near inevitability. Take heed! Martin Dec 10, 2022 Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a clip of Jordan Peterson telling Sky News Australia’s Rita Panahi about why a totalitarian social […]

“Canadian army veteran and Paralympian Christine Gauthier [in a battle to obtain a stairlift for her home] was offered an extraordinary alternative. A Canadian official told her in 2019 that if her life was so difficult and she so ‘desperate’, the government would help her to kill herself. ‘” And […]
