Some great news from Reclaim the Net. Is Alberta seeing the light? I’d like to believe so. a genuine apology would be a great start! MH “WE ARE NOT QR CODES”During the United Conservative party’s annual general meeting, Alberta’s new Premier Danielle Smith is seeking legal advice on pardoning Canadians […]
hidden agenda 2030
The New Normal. Build Back Better. The Great Reset. It all amounts to the same thing: The New World Order. And it is all taking shape according to plan. Editor’s comment 25/10/22 This morning, 25 October 2022 in NZ time, the UK announced its new PM. After the insanity of […]
In 2008, an article touting the benefits of world hunger for creating a cheap, motivated workforce was published on the United Nations’ website. The article resurfaced recently on Twitter and went viral; it was promptly taken down by the U.N. within 24 hours. 2nd Smartest Guy in the World — Oct […]
A great summation, and surely how the Covid pandemic response failure should be remembered in the history books. But was it a mistake or planned to go this way? EDIFY11.6K subscribers 2020 saw a rise in suicide, anxiety, depression, fear, isolation, and anger. Problems all caused by the disastrous public […]
“Resistance is futile” goes the famous catchphrase of Star Trek’s transhuman Borg Collective. And it seems if we resist the mRNA vaccine by injection, they’ll find other means to introduce it into our bodies. Should make even the most skeptical of us wonder what’s in that so-called vaccine, even after […]
Welcome to the idiocracy. While some of the claims regarding the origin of SARS CoV-2 and the intent of Gain Of Function might be open to question, it’s the gist of this article that matters. The next “plandemic” could be brewing a lab right now. MH Caitlin TilleyDaily MailMon, 17 […]
A brave and honourable man and a passionate environmentalist who saw through the CO2 Climate Change lie. Climate change DEATH CULT declares war on essential elements of life The Late Late Show (2009) For information: David Bellamy was interviewed on Channel 4 news on 10 May 2005 (simply Google “david […]
Minority Report edges closer to reality. When Precrime tech like this is guided by governments, is it ever fairly applied, or is it destined to be a weapon against political opposition? MH Precrimes By Didi Rankovic If you’re tired of censorship, cancel culture, and the erosion of civil liberties subscribe to Reclaim […]
A CFR member, Tulsi Gabbard is a bit tardy at discovering the truth. But false opposition is better than none at all. Right ? – Oct 11, 2022 (D. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Quitting Demonrats) Her membership in the WEF has been scrubbed in May and she has since criticized the Great Reset. […]
A major survey into the accuracy of climate models has found that almost all the past temperature forecasts between 1980-2021 were excessive compared with accurate satellite measurements. Chris MorrisonThe Daily ScepticSat, 08 Oct 2022 A major survey into the accuracy of climate models has found that almost all the past […]