Douglas Murray holds nothing back: Watch and learn! MH Modern Wisdom Bonus vid: Why the Term “White Privilege” is Revolting – Douglas Murray The Equiano Project Douglas Murray is an author and journalist based in Britain. His latest publication is the international bestseller, The War On The West. His previous book, The […]

“Large genomic data sets collected from abroad affords China vast opportunities to precisely target individuals in foreign governments for… surveillance, manipulation, and extortion.” April 5, 2024: Can China’s People’s Liberation Army use personal information and genetic data to manipulate and extort U.S. military and government leaders? Yes. Remember when the media reported […]

Massive retrospective alterations have been made to surface air temperature by GISS, one of the main global databases run by the U.S. space agency NASA. Chris MorrisonThe Daily ScepticThu, 04 Apr 2024 Professor Ole Humlum has discovered that in the period January 1915 to January 2000, GISS changed past warming […]

And yet again, we “conspiracy theorists” were on the ball, this time with the PCR/DNA collection agenda, as Karen Kingston reports. MH Bombshell US government and intelligence agency reports confirm that China used COVID-19 PCR tests to legally collect DNA from Americans and millions of adults and children across 180 […]

“This is a brilliant, well-planned strategic attack on one of the most important supply chains in the United States of America,” investigative journalist Lara Logan told Steve Bannon on The War Room. THE VIGILANT FOX MAR 27 Shiptracker screenshot added by M Harris “Why are you coming to the mic telling […]

Jared Kushner says it’s “unfortunate” that Europe isn’t taking in more Palestinian refugees, suggesting that the “cleaning up” of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip should be accelerated. Paul Joseph Watson – March 21, 2024 Donald Trump’s son-in-law and former senior foreign policy advisor made the comments during a conversation […]

Sunday Triple Treat: education, entertainment and news updates selected from our YT surfing. Enjoy! Martin Climate the Movie Mar 23, 2024 The film that lifts the lid on the climate alarm, and the dark forces behind the climate consensus. Written and directed by Martin Durkin. Produced by Tom Nelson. NYC […]
