Australians: Watch the reaction at 5:02. AMAZING! NOTE: Since this video was embedded, YouTube has seen fit to attempt to restrict access to it, despite their being nothing offensive about whatsoever…unless one finds the truth offensive. Even more reason to hop on Outer Light’s channel and give your support! MH […]

A paper published Sept. 30 in Eurosurveillance raises questions about the legitimacy of “vaccine-generated herd immunity.” Megan RedshawThe DefenderMon, 04 Oct 2021 The study cites a COVID outbreak which spread rapidly among hospital staff at an Israeli Medical Center — despite a 96% vaccination rate, use of N-95 surgical masks by patients and full […]

Purchases of PCR tests in China’s Hubei Province surged months before the first official reports of a novel coronavirus case there, according to a report from researchers in the U.S., the U.K. and Australia. Masaya KatoNikkei AsiaMon, 04 Oct 2021 About 67.4 million yuan ($10.5 million at current rates) was spent on […]

“Almost all people are hypnotics. The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and the people believed properly.” – Charles Fort As usual, a comprehensive update of current events in Australia and worldwide from Max at The Crowhouse. Never give up, never lose hope. MH […]

As coronavirus restrictions significantly reduced social contact, the common cold and flu were virtually non-existent for more than a year. But now that the measures are gone and people have started socialising in large numbers, coughs and colds are on the increase. Rory SullivanIndependentSun, 26 Sep 2021  As a result, some people […]

Disturbing yet credible. Is Eugenics the real COVID agenda? (I’ve already noted several points worth a follow-up, MH) Pierre LescaudronSott.netMon, 27 Sep 2021 17:00 UTC © GettyAryan race determination tests under Nazi Germany Comment:  This article is the third part of a series that already contains:Part I: Compelling Evidence That SARS-CoV-2 […]

Freedom is a thing of the past. That is the message essentially being given by Ashley Bloomfield to New Zealanders as related in a Mainstream News item today. Pool photo: Hagen Hopkins The “old normal” is gone forever. Level One has now become a “Level 1.5” with increased masking, contact […]
