…after “Journalists” choose to LIE believing nobody would “mark their Homework” The people of the UK should now be in a state of shock. https://expose-news.com/ But instead, they have been distracted by non-stop coverage of Prince Harry’s new book, so will have most likely missed the tragic and devastating information […]

Interesting how rapidly they made a U-Turn and portray the Ukraine military as heroes, is it not? Here’s Time Magazine, a mere two years ago: Here’s the almighty BBC 8 years back: Aug 9, 2022 CBS aired this documentary about U.S. weapons getting lost in the Ukraine a few days […]

More prediction from the entertainment media in the form of Kubrick’s dystopian masterpiece A Clockwork Orange from the early 70s. Looking suspiciously like the world we are living in today. Brilliant analysis by Empire of the Mind: For a hundred years now, we have been fascinated by DYSTOPIAS: nightmare-visions of […]

Outer Light and Kunstler provide great comment and opinion on the latest drops regarding the previous Twitter administration corruption. The Outer Light The Outer Light 84.5K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ www.subscribestar.com/TheOuterLight 👁 https://www.Patreon.com/TheOuterDark From Kunstler: What It’s Really About “It is unfortunate that conspiracy theorists and others […]
