source: The only thing faster than a National Party U-turn on mining is the NZ Police backpedaling going from justifying their shooting of a person in West Auckland because of a ‘gunfight’, to ‘a couple of shots’ to ‘we’re not sure the person we shot even fired at us anymore as they […]
I don’t really mean ‘mad’ mad, Max is without a doubt the least mad money man on the planet. Want to know more? [youtube]1gpOGgptVLI[/youtube]
Watch this movie. On at the Auckland film festival®ion=2 Still tickets available for the last two shows. … ooooh but hurry. ========================= The official ‘redband’ trailer for American The Bill Hicks Story This groundbreaking new documentary uses a stunning new animation technique to tell the story of the modern cultural […]
Robert Fisk wrote last week in the Independent of how an unnamed friend of his, “a Very Senior Correspondent of the BBC”, responded to a recent challenge. Fisk could no longer recall whether it “was about the BBC’s grovelling coverage of Israel or its refusal to show a film seeking […]
… or A history of the Internet The history of the Internet By Melih Bilgil Motiongraphics Documentary with PICOL icons 2009 The history of the Internet History of the Internet from Melih Bilgil on Vimeo.
From the news programme ‘Sunday’ on TV1 Link to video:
The evil, Red communists apparently are back to subvert the sacred institutions of America. Mainstream media’s contrived naïveté to the idea of deep-cover sex spies from Russia is nothing but a planned diversion for what is the long-standing practice of many nations blending into the halls of corporate recruitment in […]
[ … I guess there’s hope after all ] The big three nightly news broadcasts, NBC Nightly, CBS Evening and ABC World, lost a combined one million viewers in the second quarter of 2010, according to TVNewser. These numbers are comparable to the first quarter, which saw Evening News and […]