The very fact that TVNZ has gone to such lengths to hunt down and censor our publications shows how TERRIFIED they are of people who can think for themselves and question The Narrative. NOTE: This item was originally posted 4/1/22 and has been reposted due to popular demand. Martin Very […]
Uncensored Magazine editor Jon Eisen appearing with Guy Williams on the light hearted Current Affairs show New Zealand today. (reposting due to a technical hitch, MH) Bear in mind this is a satire/comedy oriented show so don’t expect anything too deep, nor take too much offense; just enjoy the show! […]
From YT Shorts, Alex Jones has the perfect response at the perfect time: Like someone once told me, always tell the truth, there’s less to remember! Martin Oh yeah, I felt their pain from that blow. A special moment to be savored with a long cold drink and a replay […]
Are you Awake or are you a Woke? Brainwashed or empowered? Checklist that ticks the boxes, forwarded from Jon Eisen: HOW YOU CAN TELL IF YOU’VE BEEN BRAINWASHED: 1. You don’t want to read any more of this. 2. You feel “offended” by the very idea that you might be […]
“We need to save our country from this government of crisis. Most Kiwis would now be aware that this country is going in the wrong direction. This is our time to get New Zealand back again, and now is the time for us to have our say,” Press Release 16th […]
Thursday 11/8/22 episode of Guy Williams light hearted TV show New Zealand Today featured our own Uncensored Magazine editor Jon Eisen. You can watch the episode at the link below, or wait until it’s downloaded to YouTube in due course. Bear in mind the show is categorised as comedy so […]
Now it’s conspiracy — they’ve made that something that should not even be entertained for a minute, that powerful people might get together and have a plan. Doesn’t happen. You’re a kook! You’re a conspiracy buff!” — George Carlin “I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, except the ones that are true […]
With Batgirl being the latest in a line of Woke themed movie and TV show failures it looks like people have had enough of having lectures thinly disguised as entertainment rammed down their throat. Paul Joseph Watson tells it straight: They’re calling it the most expensive movie never to actually […]
Last week The Freedoms And Rights Coalition caused a stir by marching on the Auckland motorway. This week the MSM are claiming that police action successfully prevented a repeat. Let’s get the facts straight from the source (instead of from Ardern’s mainstream “news” propaganda team. MH As usual MSM are […]
Leonardo takes the grand prize! As if there weren’t enough hot air coming out when he opens his mouth. No doubt Greta is impressed. Personally I do think he’s damn fine actor, but I wish actors would stick to acting and leave the preaching to preachers. What a hypocrite.