Hours after threatening to destroy 52 Iranian sites, President Trump went back on Twitter to brag about two trillion dollars’ worth of ‘beautiful’ US military hardware, which he expects will carry out the destruction. RT – Jan 5, 2020 Hours after threatening to destroy 52 Iranian sites, President Trump went […]
Military and Defense
Wikileaks has published shocking leaked documents from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in which they covered up a dissenting report that concluded chemical weapons were not used in the Syrian city of Duoma last year. Cassandra Fairbanks — The Gateway Pundit Dec 27, 2019 The latest release […]
This sounds suspiciously like ionospheric heating at work! Both Russia and China were recently bragging about constructing apparatus to steal the title from Alaska’s HAARP : Could this “new type of aurora” be the first tests? MH Unique interaction in Earth’s magnetosphere causes new type of auroras Sputnik NewsThu, 26 […]
Peoples Republic of China Infiltration of Australia Martin’s note: While most of the material in Arlyn’s article will be familiar to regular readers here, the collation of this information into a single item will no doubt be a valuable reference point for researchers. The very use of Republic is a misnomer […]
Why isn’t this on the TV news? Well informed commentary and revelations from NZ’s own Ben Vidgen (and see my comments below regarding a “Blue Beam”/NASA connection) Read Ben’s full article and other great blogs HERE Ben has worked as investigative journalist, researcher and writers for a number of NZ/Australian […]
Washington UFO incident: A flock of birds? a series of errors compounded…or something more mysterious? It was 8.27am when computers picked up a “slow-moving blob” entering the no-fly zone over Washington DC, triggering a full-scale crisis. Secret missile launchers were uncovered. Fighter jets scrambled into the air. The […]
In what’s already being hailed as a defining and explosive “Pentagon papers” moment, a cache of previously classified documents obtained by The Washington Post show top Pentagon leaders continuously lied to the public about the “progress” of the now eighteen-year long Afghan war. By Tyler Durden The some 2,000 pages of notes from […]
Sitting in a Donkey Circus Impeachment Farce with eleven months to a General Election, not one of the four intellectualized moron Law Professors; experts on the Constitution and Impeachment, raised their hand to indicate they found a single impeachable offence. by G Squared 9/12/19 I note also that Karlan and […]
Well, this makes a change from “shock and awe” bombing threat negotiation doesn’t it? RTSat, 07 Dec 2019 21:22 UTC In a reprieve from the usual bellicose rhetoric, President Donald Trump thanked the leaders of Iran for swapping an American prisoner with a detained Iranian scientist. Senior officials, however, told […]
British rifleman Victor Gregg was being held as a PoW by the Germans in Dresden when the Allies bombed the city in 1945. He witnessed unimaginable carnage that brought him decades of mental turmoil. Renegade Tribune – Nov 28, 2019 In 2011, Victor Gregg published Rifleman about his time on […]