This story may sound familiar to those beyond the boundaries of California or the US. It may also be familiar to those who remember “the other global emergency”, the Climate Change one, similarly being handled by sanctioned “Communicators” with no appropriate qualifications but plenty of Left Wing political fervour and […]

The state of Massachusetts has authorized an NGO named PIH which is connected to child abduction and pedophilia trafficking in Haiti via the Clinton Foundation, to operate in the state as a Contact Tracing organization. Joaquin Flores – Fort-Russ May 16, 2020 PIH is a Clinton-Soros backed non profit that has been awarded […]

Is China’s dominance just smoke and mirrors? Very interesting discussion points in this video! Oslo Freedom Forum Kyle Bass, founder of Hayman Capital Management and expert on the US-China financial relationship, talks with Melissa Chen, New York editor of Spectator USA and founder of Ideas Beyond Borders, about why China’s […]

US President Donald Trump At a press briefing just moments ago, (as of Monday) U.S President Donald Trump confirmed that Obama Gate (#ObamaGate) is real. On Mother’s Day, Trump sent out a series of tweets, creating a twitter storm over the hashtag Obama Gate, which later Twitter openly suppressed. Joaquin FloresFRNMon, […]

Police conducted a trial of controversial facial recognition software without consulting their own bosses or the Privacy Commissioner By Mackenzie Smith of The American firm Clearview AI’s system, which is used by hundreds of police departments in the United States and several other countries, is effectively a search engine for […]

Bills with wide -ranging implications, “Blunderbus Bills”, are being pushed through under cover of COVID-19 response. One such bill is the “COVID-19 response Further Management Bill” “Omnibus bills are the sawn-off shotgun in Parliament’s legislative weapons rack, and like a blunderbuss are designed to impact as widely as possible. “ […]

Fascinating document expresses what we’ve all suspected! While scouring the internet for interesting revelations in the current pandemic/social engineering exercise, I came upon this remarkably frank editorial piece from the Journal ‘Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy‘ The text speaks for itself. Note that I have highlighted particularly relevant portions of […]
