Focus on the Clinton body count list and “Omen-like” bizarre death scenarios from G Squared. Makes you wonder how the media can get away with all the focus on Trump (who cut ties with Epstein years ago and only flew on his jet once in the mid 90’s) Here’s G […]
“The USSR experimented on humans and animals with 5G in 1977, 1972 and 1997. A proper military experiment. The humans suffered metabolic problems, ie everything started to fall apart, blood problems, immune system dysfunction, severe medical and neurological problems. With animals, since they were able to dissect them, they found […]
A network of “shared access” surveillance cameras with facial recognition capability is on the way amid well-founded privacy concerns. Here comes the Police State: Big Brother is watching you, and so are all his mates! From Radio New Zealand: .”..Any new cameras installed in Auckland will have automated processing abilities, […]
Watching TV One News tonight, the reporting bias was (as expected) disgusting. Great show was made of Trump’s former association with Epstein, but no mention of Trump cutting ties with the convicted pedophile several years ago. NO MENTION WHATSOEVER of Epstein’s ties with the Clintons. Shame on you TVNZ! Earlier […]
Yet again the warnings about 2030 Agenda have proven valid. We blogged about the forthcoming pack & stack homes a few years back, and now, as Pam Vernon reports, we have more confirmation: The slums of the future are here! A NZ Herald article tells us we have 34,500 homes […]
A collection of satanic pics from the music industry. One-eye Illuminati symbolism dominates as usual! MH Vigilant Citizen – Aug 6, 2019 In this edition of SPOTM: Rose McGowan, Rihanna, Iggy Azalea, Millie Bobby Brown, Adam Lambert and more irrefutable proof that the entertainment industry is owned by a sick, […]
Excellent comment and facts from author Amy Brooke. Please visit her site for much more outstanding content. MH Abortion law “reform”? What are Ardern and Little up to? And why is Andrew Little, the Minister of Justice who commissioned this report, now avoiding acknowledging its findings? See below.** Must we […]
Heaven help us all if Socialist politics win the day… Fox news reports on the mayhem! The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) National Convention in Georgia this weekend came to a screeching halt when one delegate formally complained of “sensory overload” from “guys” whispering in the room — prompting another “comrade” […]
Back in 2015, onstage at the annual CPAC conference, Trump said something very interesting about Bill Clinton. “Nice guy,” he said. “Got a lot of problems coming up, in my opinion, with the famous island with Jeffrey Epstein. Lot of problems.” Michael Van Der Galien – PJ Media July 10, […]
Must Read! From Vicky Davis at The Technocratic Tyranny, with my humble thanks. Superb research and detail. MH Rise of the Socialist International Posted By: Vicky Davis The difference between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy fact is to be able to prove what is being said by providing the […]