The “Transgenderagender” is synonymous with the Transhuman agenda, and it’s all about taking power away from parents and breaking down the traditional family unit. The following article illustrates one example of the Agenda in action: Source: Life Site News Forty-one families have pulled 73 children from the elite Sacramento-area Rocklin […]
5.7 quake hits off northern California -USGS Reuters © Bing Sept 22 (Reuters) – A magnitude 5.7 earthquake struck on Friday off the coast of Northern California in the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said, but there were no reports of damage or injury. It was quickly […]
Source: vigilant citizen Published: September 22, 2017 Turkish designer Dilara Findikoglu’s presented her Spring/Summer 2018 collection at London Fashion Week and it was nothing less than a satanic Black Mass. Indeed, the event took place at the altar of St Andrew Church in London and incorporated heavy occult and satanic symbolism. […]
UN Chief To Reshape Global Finance For Sustainable Development <img width=”777″ height=”437″ src=”×437.jpg” class=”attachment-content-single size-content-single wp-post-image” alt=”” srcset=”×437.jpg 777w,×101.jpg 180w,×146.jpg 260w,×210.jpg 373w,×67.jpg 120w” sizes=”(max-width: 777px) 100vw, 777px” />Secretary-General Ant—nio Guterres speaks at the Financing the 2030 Agenda, ÒThe Role of the United NationsÓ at the UN […]
Thanks to Rose at The Con Trail: Those that watch know that there is a pattern to the quakes when the area around Auckland Islands quake. Auckland Islands, East Coast NZ, Fukushima, Mexico west coast of US, Alaska and then often the Bering Straight. The pattern is happening again. […]
Started streaming 3 hours ago A 7.1 earthquake has hit near Mexico City. There are reports of damage and possibly collapsed buildings. This is the second big earthquake in Mexico in two weeks. We have LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE of the Mexico earthquake.
U.S. President Donald Trump escalated his threats against North Korea over its nuclear challenge on Tuesday, threatening to “totally destroy” the country of 26 million people and mocking its leader, Kim Jong Un, as a “rocket man.” In a hard-edged speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Trump offered a […]
Next month, Obama is holding a World Leaders Conference in Chicago. He is desperately attempting to salvage The Clintonised Democratic Party, before the November 2018 Mid-Term Elections. He is the only Champion and Message The Dems. and their remnant cohorts have. Expect the war criminal and […]
Next month (October 2017) the final JFK Report is to be released. It was determined last year that the herds will be given something extra; but will never be told the truth. I will detail in upcoming articles how JFK was murdered. For now, this will set the stage… ‘You […]
An Economic Lesson for China and Russia Paul Craig Roberts Is there anyone in Trump’s government who is not an imbecile? After years of endless military threats against Russia—remember CIA deputy director Mike Morell saying on TV (Charlie Rose show) that the US should start killing Russians to […]