By Jason Miller https://www.bestcyrano.org/THOMASPAINE/?p=772 6/30/08 Both George Bush and Dick Cheney have emphatically proclaimed the American Way of Life as “non-negotiable.” As hard as it may be for the feeble-minded, deluded, conscienceless, or hopelessly addicted to grasp, Mother Nature and billions of human beings are going to force us to […]


A Totally Lawless Regime By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Think about this question: In the 21st century what regime is more lawless than the Bush Regime? Everyone is entitled to his own answer. The only answer I can come up with is the Zimbabwe regime of Robert Mugabe. Voted out of […]

I don’t try too hard to be anyone other than myself. There are real benefits from ‘keeping it real’. So when my column was published in the debut issue of Uncensored, I was under no illusions as to what some folks might think of what I had written. I was […]
