AND THAT’S MY TAKE… (IMAGINE, THERE’S NO INTERNET) © 2010 by Curtis Sagmeister. All Rights Reserved. In the past week in particular, You Tube and its parent Google have arbitrarily closed user accounts, ceased connection to videos and websites, and have funneled previously free videos to pay-per-view sites that they […]

source: tumeke.blogspot.com The only thing faster than a National Party U-turn on mining is the NZ Police backpedaling going from justifying their shooting of a person in West Auckland because of a ‘gunfight’, to ‘a couple of shots’ to ‘we’re not sure the person we shot even fired at us anymore as they […]

Source: https://www.tumeke.blogspot.com/ Comedian John Key has been taking comedy lessons from David Fane, he’s ditched the cannibalism jokes and moved onto taser jokes this week by threatening the All Blacks captain with a tasering if he doesn’t win the Rugby World Cup. Nelson Mandella is rumoured to have threatened the Springbok Captain with an […]

https://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=4051 Jun 28th, 2010 | By Vigilant | Category: Vigilant Reports Is there a deliberate effort by the government to dumb down the masses? The statement is hard to prove but there exists a great amount of data proving that the ruling elite not only tolerates, but effectively introduces policies that have […]

Why Gulf Oil Disaster is Blessing in Disguise by Ray Songtree There are many who look ahead with despair. This is because many see the end to our consumptive way of life coming soon, with a clueless populace unaware of this inevitability. Many see die back as very probable, and […]

He’s one of the only national-level politicians who takes a stand for the country and its citizens (in contrasts with the shills on both sides of the aisle who work for Wall Street, the Pentagon, Big Pharma and other assorted crooks.) But recently, we discovered a surprising “secret” about Mr. […]
