This opinion piece should ruffle e few feathers….MH The Sakerthesaker.isThu, 29 Oct 2020 I won’t even bother repeating it all here, those who are interested in my views of this entire Charlie Hebdo canard can read my article “I am NOT Charlie” here: No, what I want to do is […]
Last week, Trump was slammed by Obama for walking out of a 60 Minutes CBS interview. Here’s why he walked! In a move of sheer brilliance, Trump released the unedited footage, showing the bias and disrespect of the interviewer. This is how ALL interviews should be shown! MH Look at […]
‘”Education” continues its slide into indoctrination and brainwashing. The Cultural Marxist’s “long march through the institutions” is now substantially complete.’ (@JWSpry) Barbara McKenzie ‘There’s a disturbing whiff of totalitarianism, in that this secular religion permits no dissent’ (Karl du Fresne, Dominion Post, January 23, 2020) ‘state-organised bullying of kids’ (David Seymour) The New […]
A deluge of commentary on recent events in US Political scene as the elections loom, from regular contributor G Squared. (plus additional links and updates on Hunter Biden) The FBI had Hunter Biden’s MacBook Pro, and a hard drive on 9/12/2019, following a subpoena served on the repair shop. Hunter […]
New Zealand had an election in the weekend with predictable results, determined in my mind by fear, delusion and a hope for deliverance from a pandemic that has had minimal impact apart from destroying an economy that was already in deep trouble. From Seemorerocks : Monday, 19 October 2020 I […]
Language advisory! …but too effing hilarious not to share… Heath Franklin’s Chopper Chopper weighs up the pros and cons of downloading the Australian government’s COVIDSafe app including celebrity chefs, old people and Bluetooth.
With the 2020 U.S. presidential election less than a month away, there is widespread speculation concerning Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s mental and physical fitness at 77 years of age if he were to defeat incumbent Donald Trump on November 3rd. Max ParryDissident VoiceSat, 17 Oct 2020 00:00 UTC The former […]
Another term of Comrade Ardern. Rather predictable really. Another election result based on a combination of manufactured personality and feelings-over-facts politics. As one analyst said on the radio a few days ago “you can’t run a country based on feelings”. Nope, but you can sure run a country’s economy into […]
Yesterday Biden said he was running for The Senate. Biden and Harris combined have pulled in 8,400 people to their rallies. Phoenix drew 8 people. Apart from staff. As Trump pulled in over two hundred and forty thousand, over the same period. All the polls have Biden ahead by an […]
The claim of “conclusive” and following analysis are bound to cause controversy! As always, we ask the reader to use their own judgement and follow our motto “Think for Yourself”. Compelling, yes, but never take claims of authenticity at face value: Do your own research! MH (More comments at page […]