Either it’s a master stroke or a master hoax. Who remembers the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden? by Martin Harris Yes, the demise of Bin Laden was a murky tale if ever there was one! The “fog of war” changing story, the lack of a corpse to identify (“burial […]
And what about the oil? A win for the Deep State also? by Martin Harris 25/10/19 Three years ago, I wrote a short commentary on the Syria situation with regards to the role of the new-at-the-time president, Donald Trump. This author expressed a combination of relief (imagine how a Hillary […]
Surely you’ve noticed? Like flipping a switch, it’s “global protests time”. Can’t be a coincidence surely? Plenty of muttering about the Usual Suspects: Soros, the Illuminati, the Deep State etc. And quite rightly so. Various interests and players are pulling the levers behind the curtain. Although the Western media seem […]
The following story illustrates two things clearly. Firstly, that her photographic memory (combined with theatrically trained parents) explains Thunberg’s apparent lucidity when speaking before an audience, and secondly, that her alleged ability to “see” that which cannot be seen suggests she is a troubled young lady whose delusions are being […]
“What Epstein did and how he did it was an intelligence operation in support of Mossad. There is no other viable explanation for his filming of prominent politicians and celebrities having sex with young girls.” Philip Giraldi – Russia Insider Oct 17, 2019 I have long argued that pedophile Jeffrey […]
A wealth of fascinating commentary on the geopolitical situation from the ever perceptive G Squared! A civil war fuelled by India, is pending in Bangladesh, where tens of millions will die. Prime Minister Sheikh Hansina, daughter of Mujibar Rahman, has unilaterally, with the connivance of President Abdul Hamid, signed three […]
A FOUNDING member of the left-wing ‘domestic terrorist organization’, Antifa has claimed that the Billionaire philanthropist and financier George Soros helped to turn them into terrorists“more dangerous than ISIS.” Jordan James – Politicalite Oct 6, 2019 An ex-member of the organisation, Shayne Hunter – who is reportedly a founder of […]
The dark side of the Climate Change Agenda is emerging. We’ve seen hints of this before with the euthanasia and abortion push. Now they’re getting bolder. Note that while the “let’s eat babies” lady in the video clip was clearly trolling, Ocasio-Cortez can clearly be seen nodding. An academic in […]
There is a deep contrast between what’s happening in Hong Kong and the growing Extinction Rebellion protest movement. The former fights for democracy, the latter fights to subvert it. Opinion by Martin Harris First, there’s the Hong Kong situation: What would you do if a credible and immediate threat to […]
Democrats and Republicans went head-to-head Friday, as lawmakers clashed regarding the closed door testimony of a former special envoy to Ukraine, and whether President Donald Trump allegedly pressured officials in a ‘quid pro quo’ to withhold funding in return for investigating former Vice President Joe Biden and his son. Sara […]