As the Trade War between the US and China heats up, Trump retains an air of calm confidence. As usual, current events in this arena seem to be proceeding as the President expected. However, as Paul Craig Roberts comments, the Iran situation may be a dangerous trap, and China has […]
As my Carol Sawyer relates in the article below, something is seriously off-kilter in NZ right now, and it seems tied in with things far beyond local events if media reports are anything to go by. A certain mainstream media source related no less than three times (in what amounts […]
NZ Health Minister David Clark appears to have been caught out via a leaked document being gleefully brandished by the Opposition. Telling the public there are no current plans for a Sugar Tax, but behind the façade the opposite appears to be the case. Why would he do this, and […]
Highly entertaining and informative. These two gentlemen are a pleasure to listen to, and they make sense. Unlike the crazy Left! Michael Knowles, described by Vanity Fair as “a dapper, lib-triggering troll,” is the host of The Michael Knowles Show on the Daily Wire. Andrew Klavan is an award-winning author […]
China or the USA? It looks like countries like NZ, Australia and even the UK that are juggling alliances with the two major superpowers will soon have s to start making some tough choices. First let’s take a look at the Chinese Belt And Road global “silk road”: New Silk […]
I’ve been looking forward to this one for a while! What happens when two of the biggest and best known minds in the Western world decide to come together under one roof and publicly debate one of the most contentious and divisive of all political ideological issues – Capitalism Vs. […]
Very interesting perspectives in light of all that has transpired. Cat Stevens/Yusuf talks about why he converted to Islam; terrorism, inclusivity, Mainstream Media distortions, and of course his music! A message of peace, hope and inclusion | Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) TED Archive Published on May 7, 2018 The legendary […]
The Cash-Landrum UFO encounter is one of the “classics” of Ufology, and I’ve always been of the opinion that a military nuclear engine prototype was probably involved. The USAF always denied this to be the case. Plausibly enough, as such a vehicle would probably fall under the umbrella of the […]
Something is very wrong with the ‘Big Picture’. When tens of trillions of dollars; an unimaginable sum for most, sits dormant in tax havens, we’ve got a huge problem. What’s the solution? By Martin Harris 26/4/19 Corporate corruption. Greed. Like the dragons of legend, the Elites sit on vast hoards […]
Released 7 years ago, this short animated movie by Heliophant has been discussed, dissected and decoded many times now. In light of recent events, I felt it is time to take another look at some scenes and speculate upon their meaning. I do not intend to attempt a full analysis […]