As a Christchurch quake survivor, I implore Kiwis not to be blasé about this: Be calm, be prepared, have a plan! Seriously. If the Alpine Fault goes off, it will be major. MH
Oh, the irony! Now who’s the paranoid conspiracy loony, Barack? MH Obama Says He’s Worried About ‘Fake’ Videos of Him Surfacing Date: June 4, 2019 Author: Nwo Report Barack Obama says he is worried about “deepfake” videos surfacing in which he says or does things he has never done. Obama told […]
It was not by coincidence that yesterday marked the beginning of four different meetings of some of the world’s most powerful, despotic and increasingly nervous bloodline feudalists. In Montreux, Switzerland the 67th Bilderberg Meeting began with 130 participants from 23 countries. Today in Mecca, Saudi Arabia King Salman bin Abdul […]
Not really surprising, as much of today’s MSM seems to be composed of keen Leftists: Eoin LenihanQuilletteWed, 29 May 2019 16:32 UTC © Andy NgoAntifa thugs On February 1, 2017, Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to give a talk about free speech at the University of California, Berkeley. But he was […]
“It Was Supposed to Be Australia’s Climate Change Election. What Happened?” Written by William F. Jasper “It Was Supposed to Be Australia’s Climate Change Election. What Happened?” That was the headline of an election news analysis piece by Damien Cave for the New York Times on May 19. Matt McDonald […]
As May retreats in tears after repeated Brexit “launch failures”, it seems the odds, (and “odd”is the operative word here) favour Boris Johnson as the next PM. I truly fear for the future of Britain. Truly, deeply. MH Boris Johnson is frontrunner for PM but he’ll face the same Brexit […]
MURDER Inc. & cover up at the highest level. The BS that was reported was VERY different from the facts and evidence. The spotlight on the JFK, RFK, & 911 murders must NOT end until the REAL killers are brought to justice! On July 16, 1999, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior […]
Gifts or bribes? asks Pam Vernon. Perhaps the recipients should follow the lead of the Muslim Community and return these “gifts” rather than drinking from the poisoned chalice? MH May 23, 2019 Pam Vernon Envirowatch Rangitikei These were formerly termed bribes. Gifts sounds better though doesn’t it? Not so borderline […]
Will the Trade War turn “kinetic”? Personally I doubt it: China knows the US is “master” of military warfare and they will do everything to avoid that scenario. China’s speciality is economic warfare. I suspect by the tone of the Huawei communications, the US may have beaten them at their […]
They came to Christchurch to escape terror in the Middle East, but terror found them where they least expected it. But it seems we can not give them time to grieve their loss, nor the decency to consult them. Instead their tragedy, which has affected all in Christchurch, is being […]